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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for October 2018


Does anyone have curling toes? I do on my right side only .my tremor side.if so ...

Kiwi Ketogenic Study Results

Hi gang. Hope this isn't repeating an earlier post as the results aren't exactly...
jeeves19 profile image

Parkinsons in Spain

Has anyone had any experience of moving to Andalucia in Spain with Parkinsons? A...
sprildiver profile image
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What is email address of Dr Constantini?

Is there anybody here knows email address of Dr Constantine?
Pirooz profile image


i have come across in YOU TUBE a product under BestMade Natural Homeopathy Reme...
billiards profile image

Metformin mitochondria PD

Commentary: Metformin reverses TRAP1 mutation-associated alterations in mitocho...
aspergerian profile image

Counteracting PD tremor

Tremor at bedtime, when the Sinemet wears off, has become a significant problem...
plainbob profile image

Have someone had an experience with a supplement that works as a MAO inhibitor in PD?

After 12 years in PD I am struggling with shuffling and freezing during the last...
marnegro profile image

Dr. Costantini, B1 and Sinemet

I've been following the many posts about Dr. Costantini's high dose vitamin B1-t...
PixelPaul profile image

Apomorphine Benefits Finally Confirmed in Parkinson's

The benefits of the dopamine agonist apomorphine in Parkinson's disease have fin...
Farooqji profile image

Increasing Levodopa too quickly?

Posting here as it's so hard to talk to my mums' neurologist. Mum (96) is on Le...
heidle profile image

Naboso Neuro insoles

Has anyone tried these? Have they helped with your walking as claimed? Naboso-t...
bdphillips profile image

Dr. Michael Fossel - Telomeres

I have been watching a series of interviews with neurosurgeons and scientists ca...
jimcaster profile image

Anyone here using organic Mucuna Pruriens by Sun Potion - 15 % L-Dopa?

I want to start out with 1/8 teaspoon as I am concerned about possible nausea. ...
Thia51 profile image

History Before Thiamine HCL

Roy Propsner , October 2, 2015 Parkinson's report and prognosis: I fast wal...
Hidden profile image

Are you taking Vitamin D supplements?

If you have been taking vitamin D supplements please can you share your experien...
Kia17 profile image

Robotics for Improving Mobility for Parkinson's Patients

I'm a 38 yo diagnosed with Parkinsons a few months ago. The meds and physical t...
Limpmaster profile image

Foot problems

I have pd for 6 years. 4 fingers in my leg are banding down and it is very tens....
ruthgt profile image

Thiamin injections

Any suggestions taking thiamine injections? I can't get in touch with D.C. Than...
mis37 profile image

Treatment of dysautonomia in extrapyramidal disorders eg PD MSA DLB

Excellent review, a 2016 thesis:
aspergerian13 profile image

Anyone have both PD and multiple myeloma?

I’ve been diagnosed 6 years with PD , then a year ago with multiple myeloma. Man...
nannelson profile image

Is it all right to chew thiamine tablets?

I sometimes find it a little difficult to swallow the tablets. Does anybody know...
Giovi1960 profile image

Rytary sentiment ropinerol and selegiline

Anyone take all these meds for PD? If so how do you schedule them?

Probably, you've all heard of the recent study from Harvard that disses on the low-carb diet. Here's a rebuttal.
MBAnderson profile image

Anyone else trying out a Vegan or WFPB diet to help with PD? Want to share recipes and experiences?

I've been vegetarian for several years, then went the extra mile about 8 months ...
JAS9 profile image

Have any of you experienced melanoma as well as PD? It is crazy the tie up between the 2 diseases. This article is interesting explaining it
nellie58 profile image

Calcium supplements.Dangers of using calcium supplement.

Help in finding a cure! Participate in Rapsodi

The Rapsodi study aims to understand how certain genetic mutations can impact th...

Nobel prize for medicine goes to cancer therapy

Waiting for the moment when such prize will be announced for PD therapy as well ...
Farooqji profile image

Vitamin D May Improve Balance in Younger Parkinson’s Patients, Pilot Study Suggests
Farooqji profile image