Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for April 2018



Lemon balm (an herb) and PD

Has anyone with Parkinson's ever tried the herb lemon balm for relaxation and to...
HeartSong profile image

Restless legs only at night

I've been trying to figure this problem out myself to long. Sleeping issues but ...
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March 28 started it for tremor. Today April 5th there is no improvement in the t...

PD and Zoloft for Anxiety

Hi my Pwp, my husband went to the MDS yesterday for his follow up. Now that he ...
Tiger101 profile image

Does Dr Constantini's B 1 protocol allow one to take other meds, supplements ?

Does anyone know if his protocol demands that we strictly adhere to taking the B...
KERRINGTON profile image

Parkinson's duration

Hi all. I am reading about the 5 stages of PD and can't find an approximate or ...
Parkie- profile image

Symptoms with LRRK2 and GBA mutations

I would appreciate any feedback from anybody who had Fox Foundation genetic scre...
felixned profile image

Blood testing b vitamins, and other essential nutrients

Hey all. So was looking at the Australian government pathology website in Austra...

This is unfair to my husband....

i feel that it is so unfair to my husband to have to care for me any longer. thi...
czimmerman profile image

Toe cramps

I was just told to try tight shoes to help toe cramping. Have to say it really h...
Theyakin profile image

Mucuna and Selegiline

Has any body experience the combination? Any adverse effect?
Farooqji profile image

Berries vs. Pesticides in Parkinson’s Disease

carbidopa/levodopa cream

My dr. just prescribed me topical c/l. Has anyone tried this? I had to get it f...

Thiamine side effects?

Hi all. I'm just wondering if anybody had experienced much in the way of side ef...
jeeves19 profile image

What gets me through the day and night.

The first thing i do when i get up is i go outside and take a deep breath and l...

Glutathione discussion

Updated 2022. A review of Parkinson's clinical trials has been published. They ...
park_bear profile image

Distraction from Parkinson's Tremors

My mind is "somewhere else", maybe I'm daydreaming Then I become aware I have no...
Coot18 profile image

Sinemet or ropinirole or •••••?? ?

Diagnosed a few months a go with PD now 47 years old. Neurologist subscribed ro...
Theyakin profile image

Rife Ultrasound Frequencies

Does anyone know whether sound frequencies such as these help with Parkinson's? ...
Grumpy77 profile image

WTF is going on with me

I have had some very alarming symptoms and I was wandering if anyone suffering w...
RoyMe profile image

The DIRT connection to PD. Too funny.

I was researching magnesium and neurological disease when I came across this rec...
sunvox profile image

Runny nose, rhinorrhea, Atrovent

I developed a cough from nasal drip that wouldn't go away. No sore throat. The c...
jrg54321 profile image

Online Addiction Rehab Centers Group Indy

We are a Drug alcohol rehab support group similar to a face to face support grou...

No symptoms for the last 36 hours.

I worked out side at my son's house the last 2 days. we removed 40 feet of met...

A call to upgrade our profiles to help understand each other better

In this forum, I find that I am always comparing what everyone else is taking as...
RedwoodPark profile image

Why do I always feel that I’m going to fall backwards

Anyone else feel like I do, always like I am going to fall backwards, actually ...
Lumpy12 profile image


czimmerman profile image

Has anyone received the new DBS units?

I’m 3.5 years with my Medtronic unit and I have had a battery replaced a year ag...
etterus profile image

Feedback of Vielight after 2 months of use

I had purchased the most expensive version "Vielight Gamma" and used it religiou...
Farooqji profile image