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Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for December 2016


Would be obliged if you could possibly explain what a HELICOBACTER PYFORI INFEC...
Bandula profile image

Doing better now than 6 months ago.

In the last 6 months i have improved my quality of life. I have less Dyskinesias...

I'm Joy, a newbie!

My user name says it all: I was a teacher. PD came as a big shock. Strange how m...
joytheteach profile image
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Gut microbiota linked to Parkinson's

This study is in my opinion conclusive proof that PD begins In the gut. Pathogen...

It Is Hubby And Me Against The World.

Just when think things are going to get better It all falls apart again. Today a...
Noella21 profile image

Gut microbes may be the root cause for PD

Major new piece of research -- Short and sweet:
lempa_nik profile image

mannitol Hi everybody, about 5 days ago I got my 5 k...
parkie13 profile image

Dental pain

Sometimes all of my teeth hurt at once, both upper and lower. Is this to do with...
romit3 profile image

Don't worry about the cat.

Be thankful for what you have AND that you are not the cat.

Original information in New Scientist Mag on faecal transplant 19th Jan 2011 by Thomas Borody and David Rosen, New South Wales, Australia.

Have found original information dated 28th Jan 2011 on Faecal transplant easing ...
Fontaine profile image

Cannabis oil

I've seen couple of videos on FB showing how cannabis oil helps calm tremors. A...
Marcomando profile image

Parkinsons and Acid Reflux

I suffer with acid reflux which I am finding almost impossible to control. I ha...
Court profile image

Parkinsons drugs

Changed from Modopar to Stalevo noticed that i am suffering with more Dyskinesi...
charlton profile image

New symptoms

Hi everyone. I was ďiagnosed in 2010. I had shake in leg. Now 6 yrs later it ha...
twotutts42 profile image

A dietary supplement containing a blend of thirty vitamins and minerals reverse massive brain cell loss.

This was published earlier this year : A dietary supplement containing a blend o...

Mother of daughter with early PD

My daughter had a car accident not long after her senior year. She hit her head ...
Connie_123 profile image

Neuros and movement specialist

Many pwp are dissatisfied with their specialists. Every neuro is a self proclaim...
Ozie profile image

Walking with a harness and pd shoes - parkinsons movement , balance, gait, stability .

Does anyone know where to buy the harness and also what are the best shoes for P...


who takes Rytary extended release, how much and does it work better?
Catlou profile image

Nuplazid psychosis medicine

The makers of Nuplazid (primavanserin), the new medicine for Parkinson's Disease...
NanCyclist profile image

Good news and bad news.Senior PD Refugees.

We finally have a date for seating clinic on Tues Dec. 6th. he he will not be cu...
Noella21 profile image


I'm sure we've all noticed that the more relaxed we are the easier movement is a...
Dap1948 profile image

Confused over multiple names for drugs!

Can anyone offer a link to a chart or something that tells me other names by whi...
Sedona profile image

Faecal transplant

Well, it's the big news at the moment! (until the next big news). Has anybody, ...
jeeves19 profile image

Gut bacteria and PD

Possibly old news but here is the link
Astra7 profile image

Video games

Do you play video games? Do you think it helps with eye/hand coordination? Any ...

Parkinson's starts in the gut Interesting article from The Daily Mail
parkie13 profile image


Has anyone had really bad indigestion. I was awake all night with a terrible bu...
cshamb profile image

Frequent nighttime urination (nocturia)

One of my most difficult to deal with non motor symptoms is nocturia. I pee 8 or...

Is anyone in the Inosine trial? Is anyone taking Inosine outside of the trial?

I am considering both options and would love feedback. For more info:...
p-oui profile image