Posts - Cure Parkinson's | HealthUnlocked

Cure Parkinson's

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All posts for September 2012

The Shield!

I thought I was unbreakable, nothing could pearce my shield. I've always been t...
sandeelee profile image

Counted down and out ....

Well it finally happened, I proposed to my lady after 7 years together, on and o...

Thank you all for the responses to my question. I will call my doctor. I believe that since I already had a mimic symtom its the meds. tx

This post is the response to an earlier question posed by chris.
chris3274 profile image
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Happy weekend everyone~

It's a pretty pretty day here in KC! AND it's finally cooler outside---which me...
chrismw profile image

Has anyone ever tried hypnotism for their PD and did it work?

fitzy777 profile image

Well it's like this .......

Another day another dollar ... sigh. Spreading the word about PD can be tedious,...

Guess what?..........Its the weekend!!

The weekend is upon us once more, what's everyone doing? I'm on a shift as I wri...
AndyC profile image

Hi. I was dx 1 month ago. 2 years ago I developed a dragging sensation in my left leg that graduated to a limp and then worsened.

I have no pain. Strickly motor nerves. Employed Chiropractic and Accupuncture ...
chris3274 profile image


Would someone please answer a question for me? All these abbreviations; what do...
Hidden profile image

Nursing Homes

I have been advised to put my husbands name down for a nursing home should his d...
jjmoore profile image

Has anyone heard of "23andme?"

Annie81963 profile image

Why do people always say.......?

It can't be just me but how many times after you say you have Parkinsons does a ...
Lestur profile image

Ethereal Dreaming

I have to share this moment in my time, a very brief moment but amazing. I th...

just stsrted taking carbo/levo-dopa. How long does it take to have an effect?

I am on 100mgs. 3x/day. Seeing my neuro in October for a followup. I know we are...

I take 250mgs sinimet and find a difference when I am given peach tablets instead of blue but am told there is no difference

trena profile image


Would someone tell me how to put a picture on here in very easy terms so i can g...
grammieof3 profile image

Let me introduce myself

Hi my name is Anna,I am 49 years young,married to my best friend for 30 years-I ...
Annie81963 profile image

What are the symptoms of Xanax withdrawal?

Someone posted recently about PD and anxiety and I responded regarding my meds. ...
PatV profile image

Out for a walk

They say a good laugh is better than a dose o' salts. I went out this afternoon...
Hidden profile image

awake with uncertainty

I wake I wake but do not move the day begins I do not listen for the song...
chrismw profile image

Has anyone tried gemmotherapy?

hilarypeta profile image

The Journey and Partnership

I really enjoy reading the posts on this site, but have hesitated to engage too ...
DGrif profile image

Fibormyalgia or Parkinson's?

I was dx with Fibormyalgia 8 years before I was dx with Parkinson's, my neurolog...
Precious44 profile image

Please consider sharing your story and inspiring others?

Have you thought about helping the world and others with Parkinson's disease (PD...
Conductor71 profile image

Hi, I,m Fitzy,just become a member.Male, 61years old and this is my first blog ever!!!!!! so please bear with me.

At the age of 49, diagnosed with PD..I was devastated ,Remember the ...
fitzy777 profile image

More new info from the Parkinson's Foundation. I don't know anymore about it other than what is in the article.

You can find out more about NPF's National Medical Director, Dr. Michael S. Okun...
Susie01 profile image

Drugs for Parkinson's- how do you spell their names?

This is not really a question, more an attempt to answer it. I have noticed ma...
Cerelia profile image

hi jamone here: does anyone know if the va can provide financial aid to a vet

that has this crazy pd?
joemen1 profile image

Are you struggling with the blister packs Ralnea comes in?

Last time I collected my prescription I was given Ralnea instead of Ropinrole. P...
sharong profile image

Play Up and Play the Game (Bully off)

A cracking game is in prospect, here at the PM Stadium. The PWPs have a strong ...