head all over the place...: is it normal to... - Cure Parkinson's

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head all over the place...

mitchdee profile image
14 Replies

is it normal to feel total panic ....its like i cant breath and i panic about what is going to happen to me, i cant sleep and have not gone to work this week which is not like me.ive not told my family im off work or feeling like this as i dont want them to worry, im forgetting simple things which scares me, got a doctors appointment next week but dont think that will help, as my symptoms are mild my next visit to my consultant is 12 dec...i tell myself its the meds ( mirapixen ) and talk myself round,i dont want to go anywhere or do anything.. someone tell me i just need to give myself a kick and get on with life its all in my head. or are there stages in accepting pd.

sorry to complain, just typing this helps

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mitchdee profile image
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14 Replies
etterus profile image

I know exactly what you are feeling... panic attacks. Anxiety and depression are known non-motor reality for many of us. So far the best help for me has been psychotherapy and atavan/lorazapam. You are not alone and should not feel guilty, weak or nuts, though it is tempting. Seek help through your Doc's. This site is very helpful also.

I know how you are feeling , i still cant sleep , its 0330 am thursday and my head is spining with all sorts off crap running around , its like the numskills have taken over , dont know if you remember them ,they were in a comic i used to read when i was younger , Do yu have a PD nurse you can contact ,they are fantastic , i was put on prozac to help with the madness that was running around my nut,

keep calm and carry on


I'm in that club. Before PD i was a very light sleeper, but I slept. Then diagnosed with PD, The Drs. put me on Requip and Zelpar and an antidepressant. I would sleep like a rock! I felt so rested for a few months (I really miss that feeling of being rested. For the past two years I take requip XL 16m and Amantadine 3x a day. It's alright and has helped with my movements. I actually feel pretty good. For my Anxiety episodes which have finally calmed down. Klonapin is my wonder drug. I only take it when I need it. and its not habit forming. also its helps to discuss this problem. talk to the Drs, tell them your concerns. Good Luck

Hi Mitchdee

I suppose we all go through episodes of panic in our lives especially when we feel in the dark about things PD does mean we can suffer depressive episodes. forgetting things is all part of that depression etc.. I know taking anti depressants is an easier way, I realise it helps people to cope. but if I were you I would not go down that route unless you really have to.

There must be many positive things in your life those are the ones that should help to comfort you. Have a chat with your GP see if you can have a refferal to a course of psychotherapy if you think it may help.

This place is also here where you can put down your feelings, It does help to tell someone how you feel. I think the main reason for this site is we are all here to help each other if we can.

Good luck

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to


everyone is amazing on this site, we are a special bunch

Lindylanka profile image

There are stages in the acceptance of any diagnosis, and for sure fear is one of them. Try and remember to live in the moment, this is a slow tiresome condition, but in between it reminding us that our bodies are not working as well as we would like them to, there is plenty of time for good times, happy times. I too would advise not to go down the route of antidepressants, but rather to try and transform your own thinking. When I was diagnosed, around nine years ago now, someone said to me, "the best thing you can do for yourself is develop a good attitude to your PD" and it really has been helpful. It sounds as though at least some of what you are experiencing maybe meds related, like not sleeping. This can be meds or PD, and most of us have to deal with it at some point or another. If we have work or uni or something to deal with the next day it is a pain not to be able to sleep, but it doesn't harm us, it just makes us tired. What we do with the time we are awake is another matter. Some of us become keyboard communicators in the middle of the night, others will have a hot drink and a small snack, or listen to some music, one phenomenal lady uses her night times to make incredible art, I like to read in bed and eventually go to sleep.

Fear of the unknown is often what unsettles people, the what if's and the bad imaginings. For this try doing something that helps you deal with your mind, a meditation class could help, or even just really re-discovering something you love doing. Immersing yourself in something you love puts you in a different headspace, for many with PD it actually creates a time in which we are miraculously symptom free.

You are still the same person you were, with all the things that make you who you are. You have PD, but don't let it have you!

Best wishes with finding a way through, you may feel over the coming weeks or even years a variety of things, fear, anger, indignation, but eventually we mostly accept that this is what we have to deal with. Who knows in time to come how you will let PD transform your life. There are lots of people who swear it has brought them as many good things as bad ones.

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to Lindylanka

thank you for taking the time to reply. all of the responces have helped. i now know im not going mad, ive arranged a docs appointment .also spoke to one of my best friends who has told me that everyone has noticed the difference in me, she has told me my sister has been in touch with PD UK who have explained pd and it effects. so i can consider myself kicked into doing something positive again, ive already walked a 10k for pd.

thanks x

Lindylanka; Great advice! I too have had panic attacks and many sleepless nights and been on antidepressants! I am now off of the antidepressants and lost 20 lbs! The panic attacks are gone for the most part! If I start to feel panicky I just do some deep breathing and sit and close my eyes and, because I have faith in God, I pray and read His promises! I'm not pushing this on anyone, I'm just saying that's what helps me! As far as forgetting things, I do all the time! Just the disease! I just laugh at it and say darn PD! And move on! I try to just keep the best positive attitude I can! And I would really suggest you tell your Neuro Doc all these things! I hope you find peace in whatever way works for you!

olpilot profile image

This past 3 weeks are the first in nearly 7 years I have not taken any antidepressants, my earliest symptoms were depression. Those feelings when you have no idea why are overpowering. Had I not taken the antidepressants I would have lost my wife, and I believe contact with my childrn and grand children. All for PD, it has and will take more than it's share. The struggles to get to the diagnosis were truely hell. We knew something was wrong, we had a real good idea what it was, but the frustration trying to get someone to listen took everything out of us. Panic,fear,and depression were a major part of our lives. I do not have a resl noticeable tremor, makes it harder to get someone to listen, but I am glad I didn't hide it from my family. I think to not trust them with what was happetning to me would have been a betrale on my part. How would I ever be able to explain things like no smiling or showing emotion, and the withdrawl from them. I still don't like groups of people, going out, but now they know it really is me, and not them. This is very tough to go through, but much tougher alone. With out family, and I'll admit antidepressants, I don't know......... I do know, it's not that great a secret to carry around by yourself.

Hi Mitchdee, see your doctor as soon as possible, its very important to talk about how you are feeling, have gone through similar myself. I left seeking help nearly too late, and was very ill with depression as a result. If your doc thinks you need antidepressants check with your consultant, that he feels they are right for you, no shame in getting the help you need. perhaps then, when you feel a little more in control, you can talk to your family. you may be surprised how supportive they can be. good luck Caz.

BILLYRAY profile image

you are having an aniexty attack...i have had them or years..before i was ever diagnois with pd..whhat u need to do is get some attivan...works great..mean time get a paper bag..lunch bags work great breathe into the bag..this helps too..haas something to do with not enough exhausht air..heck cant think or spell..u will be fine hang n there

After my diagnosis of PD, two years at the age 46,I've learned that depression is one of the non-motor effects. My symptems started with tremors, which are helped with sinemet. Initially (about one month after my diagnosis, I was experiencing depression. My movement disorder specialist prescribed a antidepressant. This initial depression was the result of my diagnosis & dealing with the other symptoms as well as the effect of my medications. I have been proactive : exercising and incorporating a lot of foods that are rich in antioxidants having a positive attitude ( we have a lot of laughter in our household - maybe as a defense mechanism due to many health challenges including my husbans surgery to remove a brain tumor and the death of my Dad -8 months after my diagnosis- within a one year period as well as getting as much rest as possible (difficult due to Rem Sleep Behavior Disorder, which is a symptom of PD). Within the last several months, I've been experiencing severe depression. This comes out of nowhere: feeling hopeless, having no desire to do anything (including the things I usually enjoy, crying all the time for no particular reason, feeling hopeless and just wanting to stay in bed with the covers up over my face). After consulting with my neurologist, he explained that severe depression is non- motor effect of PD. he referred me to a psychiatrist , which has helped me. She has prescribed a medication that has helped me get my life back. This condition is something that I can't just shake off. I've learned to accept my diagnosis and it's challenges, but never imagined I could experience this debilitating effect . My symptoms mirror Bipolar Disorder. I'm a glass half full kind of gal and a very happy, positive person. Each individual is unique, so one treatment may not be effective for everyone. Just as some of us need the medication to have a "normal" quality of life.

mitchdee profile image
mitchdee in reply to

thank for taking time to reply

i went to my gp today who was reluctant to use the word depression, she prescribed 14 days of sleeping tablets and told me to contact pd nurse.

needless to say i felt that she just wanted me in and out of her office as quick as poss. i have emailed a support worker from pd uk who is the only person in the medical proffesion who seems to take the time. it may well be that im just getting my head round the fact i have pd its only been since jan.

i have tremours in my left hand but i recognise your feelings only to well, i have not told my familly. i put a brave face on when i see then ( divorced live alone)

lets hope a good nights sleep helps...

talking on this site certainly does help


I'm sorry that you haven't found a professional to take in to consideration all of the symptoms of PD not to mention the meds. Have you thought about seeing a neurologist that is a movement disorder specialist? I had a neurologist examine me in February of 2009. She said I had essential tremor & stress exasperates it. So, naturally when my husbands dr told him he had a benign brain tumor, I chalked my tremor up to that. It just continued to get worse so my husband kept insisting I go to the hospital where he had his surgery - St Joes Barrow neurological center. I wanted to wait until he was recovered, but he talked me into going. I made an appointment with the Muhammad Ali Parkenson Center, which is where their movement disorder specialits are located. They treat all kinds of movement disorders. The Doctor was very thorough & examined me as well as asking many questions. While I was sitting there, my tremor was obvious. After the exam, he said that I have the beginning stages of early onset Parkinson's. Both my husband & I were shocked. I'm glad I went for a second opinion( people come from all over to be. Treated at this hospital). This was just 4 weeks after my husbands surgery & I had been tending to him. Also it was 9 months since the 1st neurologist saw me. She did not give me a correct diagnosis as it is sometimes difficult to diagnose & she was not a movement disorder specialist. So, I would strongly recommend you find a movement disorder specialist that is very familiar with this disease. Hang in there and best wishes!

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