Cure Parkinson's

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AndyC profile image
48 Replies

Hi Everyone

What are we all doing this weekend? usual thing for me seeing my 3 kids on saturday, weather`s going to be nice and it will be a great day of fun fun fun!!! :-)

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend :-)

Andy :-)

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AndyC profile image
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48 Replies

Hi All,

Iam still here have had a bad few weeks with the old PD stuff, so this weekend i will be watching Rangers Vs Celtic on sunday , and hope the best team wins, sat have a beer , just the one as the meds are doing my nut in, last sat i went for a pint in local pub and it took me over 2hrs to shuffel home , usualy takes 15 mins , La , had to help me upstairs and that took 30 mins ,

cant be arsed with this any more


Iron1 profile image
Iron1 in reply to

Al- maybe you miscalculated the time for meds. I am not a professional but I do kn ow that we have to sometimes bear a few bad hours in order to figure out what happened. (one beer ?) it seems that you are doinjg ok, and wish that you could do more?

be well, write back id you qNR

in reply to Iron1

Thanks Iron, just having a wee rant


Iron1 profile image
Iron1 in reply to

Al- maybe you miscalculated the time for meds. I am not a professional but I do kn ow that we have to sometimes bear a few bad hours in order to figure out what happened. (one beer ?) it seems that you are doinjg ok, and wish that you could do more?

be well, write back id you qNR

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Hey Al :-)

Good to hear from ya buddy :-) keep ya chin up and keep smiling :-)

"Nil bastardo carborundum" or Dont let the bastards grind you down!!

I`m gonna try and get another party organised soon, I`ll need you to be my wingman mate, you up for it?? :-) PARTAAYYYYY!!!!!! lol :-D

Andy :-)

in reply to AndyC

Sure , just havinga few bad days just now, as i said i can be arsed with this PD shite , hoping to go away for a few days to grand Canaria in April ,

Iv even cut down on the beers and that is pissing me off , just have 2 or 3 over the weekend , sod all during the week , ah well sory for the rant , when we having a party


AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

I`ll think of a date and put it up on here

in reply to AndyC

How about An Easter BBQ

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to

Excellent idea! :-)

in reply to AndyC

Ok , Easter Sunday early evening GMT

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to


Court profile image
Court in reply to AndyC

Wish I could join you all, but not sure if I will be home from the caravan. The Sunday is my grandaughter's 8th Birthday. Will be there for sure if I can.

Sue :-)

Court profile image
Court in reply to

We are going to Gran Canaria in September. I think we are staying at a resort called Taurito. Look forward to hearing how you enjoyed yourself as I have never been to this particular island before.

Hope your Parkinsons settles down soon - you do seem to be having a bad time.

Sue :-)

Court profile image
Court in reply to Court

Hi Al. Sure you will have guessed that my post about Gran Canaria was for you. It never ends up in the right place!!

in reply to Court

Hi Sue,

We are going out on the 14th April, will let you know how it was


in reply to

Hi al, so sorry you are having a bad time at the moment. This parky malarkey is a pain, but keep yer chin up. You offer so much encouragement on this site, we're all in this for the long run - tough as it may be, but you are not alone.

I a,m also finding things a wee bit harder at the mo. I stumbled round sainsburys yesterday hanging onto a trolley and came home with a load of junk lol. No home cooked meals with fresh veg for the family this week! Microwave meals, cakes and wine on the menu for us! Seriously though, you take special care of yourself xx

in reply to

Love the wine bit, i went to tescos last week for some milk and bread, and spent £159.69 on a load of crap , got some wine though, sorry to be bitching just feel like crap just now , i was put on sinimet 4 weeks ago and am all over the place, any way i dont want to moane any more

have a good week end,

how did your son do on his charity run ? and how can i send some money to the cause


in reply to

Hi al, he completed his run in 2.44 and raised over £2000. There was lots of cheers (and tears) as he crossed the finish line. It was I day I will never forget x

in reply to

Can i send some money down for the cause?


in reply to

That's so kind of you al! I believe it's been submitted now, but it went to parkinsons uk. Bless you x

in reply to

Ok , ill send some off to PD HQ on his behalf


shasha profile image
shasha in reply to

hi al - so sorry you have been bad - i did wonder why you had not been on line

get well soon xx

in reply to shasha


Just a bit low , but coming out of it

take care


Iron1 profile image


Iron1 profile image


Iron1 profile image


Loving on my 3 grrandbabies (ages 5 months thru 3)!

As I already said, I plan to spend the weekend eating and drinking rubbish! It is my best friends 50th birthday party tomorrow night so I will spend the day tomorrow getting myself beautified ( yes it will take the day). Sunday I will go and see mum and dad. Have a good one everyone! xx

drew410 profile image

HI Al, really sorry your having such a bad time. If you fancy a skype just e-mail me and if you want we can talk it through. Hang in there pal,


in reply to drew410

try tomorrow, just feel like shite just now, however i will get over ot soon


drew410 profile image

Hey, my favourite babe magnet, not seen you for a while. Hope you and N are ok. Have a great day with your kids tomorrow. Weather forecast looks good

AndyC profile image
AndyC in reply to drew410

Hi Drew, yes all is ok thanks mate :-) yes weather forecast is good so should be some outdoor play tomorrow :-) Hope you have a good weekend too


drew410 profile image
drew410 in reply to AndyC

Al seems to be having a tough time at the mo'. Wondered why I had not seen him on here for a while.

drew410 profile image

Having adjusted mirapexin (took 8 days) now sleeping every night no problem. Lots more energy. Spent this afternoon vaccing the garden with the Flymo sucker getting all the winter debris up. Garden centre tomorrow for new plants. Great to be outdoors with the weather so nice. Same for Sunday hopefully

chrismw profile image
chrismw in reply to drew410

glad to hear you've readjusted your mirapexin--it can be a booger! When you find that medication sweet spot it's like hearing the angels sing-- just wish it wouldn't change on a whim!

Any one out ther egot a few Million spare , we could buy Rangers and have a right good laugh, just imagin Rangers beeing owed by a bunch of Parkies , that would be a blast, oh in my dreams

Have a great week end All


in reply to


Al, the above link will give you a giggle x

in reply to

Cheers that was funny,

drew410 profile image
drew410 in reply to

Read the evening telegraph piece. Funny, yeah, but in a sad way. The clown has the wrong coloured nose on as well. The ex directors are a bunch of clowns. If Al doesn't buy the club someone else will! Have a great weekend


Just lost all my music on mu Ipob , i was up loading some tunes , pressed the wrong button due to shaking and lost the lot , no really pissed off , hate this P|d shite

, goin to have a beer F@@k it


drew410 profile image
drew410 in reply to

so you there?

jillannf6 profile image

h iALL

AL AND ANDY -just lsot my ocmment AL - PLZ FEEL BETTER SOON


i am off to a SAINTS match tomorrow eve v LEEDS -I do not hope for a win as there r big probs a tthe moment

But i shall be there anyway

apart from tha tnothjng plannned

weather great at moment but not moving now next week either

so what next i ask?

lol jill :-)

Lomtootie profile image

Hello Everyone, We're glad to see the sun today in Northwest Arkansas. I have a list of "need to do's"...but they don't match my "want to do" list....haha! We'll have to wait to see which list wins! Have a great day!


Joealt profile image

Going to the gym today to sweat off that one beer I drank last nite. It feels more like it was like ten. I call it The PD Hangover.

srarndt profile image

Two comments:

1. Hey Al, it is good to hear from you even though you've been going through a tough patch. Hang in there - I too am pulling and praying for you. Drop a message next time you get so low...I'm sure I can come up with something that will likely distract you for a moment or two. Some times that is all we parkies can hope for is a temporary diversion...

2. Original Question:

Yard work! We have no trees on our little corner of the desert but over the years every neighbor around us has trees with unremitting focus and through sheer determination they have somehow taught the trees and the breeze to drop all of their leaves into the lees of our yard! Beyond which we had our 2nd snow of the season on Monday, it is now officially Spring and I have lots of old roses which need dead heading and more serious pruning , Cacti and Yucca that need planting, weeds that need pulling and a few wilting plants gasping for another drink, of water that is... leave the porter and stout for me!!!

Later all!

Steve (Bisbee, AZ)

hollyb2 profile image

Speaking of weekend after the last few awful weeks of trying to get my meds right so I can stay working and not go on disability. I was able to spend some time with my sister and catch up which was much needed, and make it to my grandson's birthday party he is now 4.I was able to have all 7 of my grandchildren in the same house for a day, I truly enjoyed watching them play together . I needed it!! Ihope everyone has a wonderful weekend!!!

CJ49 profile image

This weekend?..............Went on a trip to see our grandchildren in Virginia.

CheriH profile image

Hi Andy,

Hope you had a great weekend with your kids. Today is my birthday, and my 2 sons, daughter-in-law, and 2 granddaughters came in for the weekend. It has been an awesome day!

Cheri :)

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