Dr Berg: "Groundbreaking New Revelations ... - Cure Parkinson's

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Dr Berg: "Groundbreaking New Revelations on Alzheimer's Disease"

PDWarrior1900 profile image
5 Replies

Yeah. I. know. .... Alzheimers... But close enough in many ways to PD.

p.s. Today is O.M.A.D. day #305 ('one meal a day' with all calories eaten within 2 hours).

Trust me... It's easy-peazee after your first couple of weeks! And I've lost about 60 pounds (about a 1 1/2 pounds per week). Dr Berg emphasizes "intermittent fasting" (and 'keto' - which I don't do) as a way to help beat ALZ and PD!



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PDWarrior1900 profile image
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5 Replies
ddmagee1 profile image

It’s ok to give info. On Alzheimer’s, in my opinion. PD and Alzheimer’s are both neurodegenerative diseases.

Nanismami profile image

anks for the great video! Recently bought a rife genereator to kill the pathogens he mentions. Have clinical Lyme and antibodies from an untreated tick bite acquired shortly before Parkinson's symptoms started. But because I was ignorant of ticks and Lyme, didn't tell the doctor about it. Antibodies discovered after I paid out of pocket for blood tests and stool sample. Microbiome all messed up, Pathogens crossed blood brain barrier...Everything Dr. Berg says is right on the money. I realized having a healthy easy bowel movement daily is first priority of utmost importance, or you cannot correct anything else! Goal 1 accomplished! Your posts are invaluable!

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Nanismami

Here's some things I recently discovered about having a daily, healthy bowel movement (because i had some SEVERE constipation issues for a few weeks)....

1. Did you know that our feces is 75% water? I didn't. And help heal my gut (the source of my PD, I believe_ -- Today is O.MA.D. (one meal a day eaten within a 2 hour window) number #311 ! ... I've lost almost 60 pounds! ... But I wasn't drinking enough, WATER. So one website gastroentologist said you need to drink 12 - 16 cups of WATER daily. I still can't handle that much... But I increased my water intake about 50% and now... no more constipation!

2. I have a vibration plate machine. I stand on it 10 to 20 minutes as needed. The 'shaking' plus 'water' is helping my intestines 'move' me!

Best of luck

PDWarrior1900 profile image
PDWarrior1900 in reply to Nanismami

thank you

i recently discovered a new health channel on YouTube

Dr. Peter Attia, M.D. (degree from Stanford University)

He specializes in "human longevity."

He personally fasts ... 3 days straight every month (formerly he practiced 7 days, water-only -- fasting!)

Today is DAY #384 of my O.M.A.D. (one meal a day with all calories eaten within a 2 hour window). So this doctor is very inspiring to me!

He has DOZENS of '3 hour!' interviews with other top-notch health specialists. I listen to them in bed (as much as I can as it always puts me gently to sleep)...



Cardiology profile image

Hi, thanks for this interesting post.

I’ve been looking at Matt Phillips protocol for Keto/IF (after his great talk on NSB). It seems to be 2 block eating windows of 1h each no snacks in between and a minimal multi vit. I’m wondering what happens off the keto/IF - are there periods off it?

I know fats are essential to generate ketones but I worry a bit about the fat levels in the his recipes. I know (from Zoe personalised nutrition program) that I don’t clear fats well. There’s a family CVD history and I’ve had a (very minor) nSTEMI (I only take 75mg aspirin no other cardio meds).Last CT angiogram no plaque or calcium.

Seeds can be tricky too (unless milled) as some diverticulosis). I can easily mill though.

I’m very interested in metabolic approaches. I know (again from Zoe) that my blood glucose spikes easily even with low GI foods. I’ve had a fairly good low GL diet (off and on) for some years. Many years prior of eating stuff likely to cause high of glucose spikes too.

I tried keto before my diagnosis of PD (which was about 18m ago). I did have low mood - and muscle weakness. I wondered if I needed more carbs. Perhaps it will be different now I’m medicated for PD (levodopa & rotigotine & soon to add epicapone). Low mood back ATM and I’m reluctant to take any antidepressants until dopaminergic meds optimised. Also, I want to see if fasting and more exercise will help mood.

Wondering does anyone know of any supervised or group IF fasting/ keto programs for folks with neurological diseases?

Best way to monitor ketones?

Thoughts and shared experiences much appreciated

Thank you.

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