True cause of PD? - Medical Medium - Cure Parkinson's

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True cause of PD? - Medical Medium

JayPwP profile image
31 Replies


Has anyone seen this?

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JayPwP profile image
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31 Replies
alexask profile image

That's about 50% truth and 50% rubbish. Difficult to know which is which though. I had a terrible habit of chewing gum driving on the way to work with mercury fillings. My Dentist noticed this as my fillings were shiny. Is that a causal factor for me? Quite possibly. I don't chew gum now, but horse/stable door etc.

MBAnderson profile image


If I may get right to the point, Anthony Williams is full of sh*t.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to MBAnderson

Phew! Such rage... :)

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to JayPwP

True enough, I have short patience for such people.

Sapeye2020 profile image
Sapeye2020 in reply to MBAnderson

MBA, yes he is but it is from all the veggies he eats. I scanned quickly his recipes ingredients.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to Sapeye2020


park_bear profile image

Thanks for linking to that blog. I have encountered references to this medical medium before and was not sure what to think. Now I know - this is the most ridiculous load of unadulterated BS about Parkinson's I can recall seeing. This takes the cake:

" Furthermore, medical communities are unaware of the truth that viruses eat! Viruses eat and they eliminate waste."

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to park_bear

And that quote is merely the tip of a huge iceberg.

WinnieThePoo profile image

So glad I waited for a few comments before wasting time reading it. The clues were in the title. One of the great disappointments about acquiring a disease which doesn't have much going for it, is the number of charlatans eager to exploit the vulnerable

LAJ12345 profile image

Mmmm, heavy metal smoothies....

frankaspergilus profile image

Alexask is probably closest in his opinion that it's probably 50% truth and 50% rubbish. Or in proportions other than that which will only ever be guessed at.

Ignoring the writer of the article himself, or his agenda, it's possibly not best to describe everything in the article as bull***t as PD has for a long time been recognised as being a badly labelled set of diverse symptoms with many potential causes.

Up until very recent times PD was said not to be hereditary. Now it's known that there are genetic variations of PD. It can be hereditary. Or a version of it can.

Epstein Barr and other viruses (and infections) can cause dementia and have no doubt had a PD related diagnosis for some sufferers at some point.

B12 and many other mineral and vitamin deficiencies can cause PD symptoms and PD meds can even worsen these deficiencies further.

Head trauma, cervical neck problems cause PD symptoms and are even treated with PD meds.

Every one knows of the correlation between toxins, metals and pesticides and PD.

Unless you are 150% certain of the cause of your own particular version of "Parkinson's Disease", a disease with a wide variety of potential causitve factors, and are 150% certain that there's absolutely nothing out there that might help you with any of your symptoms, then, (and in no way downplaying any of your problems), you are possibly more fortunate than those who can't pinpoint the cause of their PD-like symptoms but might find some of the modalities in the article not only hopeful but useful.

With illnesses like this one with a PD diagnosis attached to it, nothing is black and white. There's no harm in looking for potential sources of relief or improvement elsewhere unless they're blatent quackery. Some of the suggestions in the article are not and may help some people with their PD symptoms. If they are new to them then they might have learned something to their advantage. They might want to pick some of them up and ditch the rest. I hope some people do find something to think about at least.

People with a PD diagnosis are not all the same. They often don't even even share all the same problems or causes. They often do share the same PD label though

I don't give a rat's ***'about the writer himself. He should have chosen a better title for the article which might have put people off him and some potentially beneficial information.


JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to frankaspergilus

I had seen a video from university of Calgary about the effect of Mercury on neurons.

Also I agree with you that PD is individual to each patient.

Having said that, there is general consensus that the PD tag is assigned to slow movements / tremors / stooped posture / unknown symptoms, etc.

Even a DAT scan is only indicative and not confirmatory. I have shared a link to a study which explains that in one of my earlier posts.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to JayPwP

About DAT scan

"Scanning the brain of a patient suffering from Parkinson's disease reveals that in spite of dopamine cell death, there are no signs of a lack of dopamine -- even at a comparatively late stage in the process."

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to JayPwP

Mercury neuron video, not sure of authenticity

frankaspergilus profile image
frankaspergilus in reply to JayPwP

The problem with the "general consensus" I think is that it is just that! It seems to be not much more than a series of educated guesses which still have a long way to go.

And each of those general signs of PD can appear at different times in the disease process and not even apply at all for some PwP as shown by the fact that not everyone suffers with tremors for example.

And although even I think that Datscans will eventually be found out to be another poor predictive tool for every case of PD, every one of the neurologists I've ever spoken to has told me if your Datscans are negative you definitely don't have PD.

My brother 100 % has PD but his Datscan at diagnosis was negative.

Just seen your follow up posts on Datscans and on mercury.

I'll take the Datscan information with me when I next see a neurologist but I'm sure he'll think he knows better anyway.

Thanks for the info.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to frankaspergilus

I am glad to be of some use :)

Wh12 profile image
Wh12 in reply to JayPwP

Thank you for the links! Great visuals andi teresti g perspective.

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to frankaspergilus


I don't disagree with anything you say, none of which excuses or alleviates the fact that Anthony Williams is full of sh*t.

All health gurus have to say some things that are true -- which is precisely the thing that makes them dangerous. If everything they said was obviously stupid, no one would come to their seminars or buy their books.

He has become a multimillionaire by telling seriously ill people that a spirit which he calls a 'medical medium' began educating him when he was 4 (at which time he diagnosed his mother's cancer) and began helping him diagnose people's chronic illness when he was 12.

Stop and think about that for a minute.

He belongs in the general population of an Alabama prison.

If you ever swallow poison sometime and need to throw up, go on YouTube, enter his name and watch some of his interviews.

He claims everything he says is fact, is the truth and is secret information the health community/doctors don't want us to know about and that the problem is with science, i.e., it just has not caught up to him yet and is not competent enough to verify what he says for another 75 to 100 years.

The only reason he's showing up on this forum is because he milked as much money as he can out of people with other illnesses and is looking for a new constituency to con.

We do a serious disservice to our comrades on this forum by giving him any credibility or the time of day.

JohnPepper profile image

Hi JayPwP

Your theory is very interesting. I was able to overcome many of my Pd symptoms between 1994 and 2002. At some time during that period, I had all eight of my amalgam fillings removed. I have not had any detoxification.

Since 2002 I have not needed to take any further Pd medication an have lived a normal life since then I am now 85 and still doing well.

I will look into the detox details ASAP.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to JohnPepper


You are a celebrity in the PD world!

I have been reading about you and Howard Shifke since my diagnosis, unfortunately I have not been able to start fast walking due to my lethargy.

I know I need to get my act straight and start walking!

NRyan profile image
NRyan in reply to JohnPepper

John.....are you still fast walking? Can you post a video of yourself and how you are doing? Thanks!

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to NRyan

JohnPepper profile image

Thanks JayPwP. Lethargy is not a lack of strength but a lack of a motivating chemical that drives us to do things.

So, you just have to consciously make yourself do things and you will find that within a few minutes the lethargy has disappeared.

JayPwP profile image
JayPwP in reply to JohnPepper

Will do. Thanks.

Hikoi profile image

I suppose this guy gets his answers to disease causes from the universe. First you have to believe mediums are bonefide and then that they have access to knowledge we dont. I think the article is well described as bull***t.

I am yet again reminded why I now rarely post on this forum.

in reply to Hikoi

Your presence is missed.

Separately: can a rhubarb suppository cure PD?

Hikoi profile image
Hikoi in reply to

Can a rhubab suppository cure PD?

Well i have heard from one who has now passed, a shaman of great repute, that it must be harvested on the first day of spring and at sun rise to be effective

This shaman cured himself of the pre parkinson tremors and performed miraclous healings on people with parkinsons with his rhubarb suppository treatment. He says so on his web page so it must be true.

PS This information should be widely known but is kept from the public by the medical community and pharma. After all if shamans can cure disease with natural products they are a threat to the medical community and big pharma.

ParlePark profile image
ParlePark in reply to Hikoi

Correction: second day of spring. 😂

in reply to Hikoi

This made my morning

MBAnderson profile image
MBAnderson in reply to Hikoi

I miss you too.

Maybe try a different perspective on the junk that comes across the transom.

We need your hard headedness.

Check out the video I just posted below of Anthony "Home & Family." You'll love it. He waves his hand across the front of this woman several times like a rapid scan which allows him to see into her organs including into her brain, all the while he's communicating with the spirit.

If I were interviewing this guy, I would be laughing so hard in his face, milk would come out of my nose and I haven't had milk for a decade.

It's hard to find this kind of entertainment anymore.

Plus, think of all the good you'd be doing for all the other newly diagnosed PWP who are susceptible/vulnerable to latching onto almost anything.

MBAnderson profile image

Just watch this 8 min video

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