Another chance to talk poo - from the Gua... - Cure Parkinson's

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Another chance to talk poo - from the Guardian

WinnieThePoo profile image
4 Replies

Nothing new really, just a useful re-hash and reminder

Provocative thoughts...

Some information is interesting and true, but cannot be immediately applied to cure Parkinsons (or for any other purpose). An example would be the natural v ceasarian birth

Exercise is good for your microbiome - maybe that's how its good for PD (except fast walking which rumour has it produces litres of GDNF in the SN, and has no effect on your microbiome) - tongue firmly in cheek

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4 Replies
GymBag profile image

Winnie ,completely off topic. But I really would like to understand.

There was a Plebiscite in Britain and the majority voted to exit the European Common market . Why are the elected representatives not following through with the majority preference ?

It has been suggested that another plebiscite be held, but elected representatives do not want it because it may confirm the first vote. We are a placid lot in Canada, boring by some standards, but I can not imagine that if this was happening here that civil unrest would not have already taken down the parlement buildings.

I thought that this is why we have a queen . The Government is playing silly games, the people seem to think it entertaining and no one seems to be able to face reality. The Queen has the authority but it appears is no longer capable of using it , nor are her sons. Is there no one in the royal family capable and with enough courage to take over ? There seems to be no mention of what the legal alternatives are or who is supposed to protect democracy and the law at this juncture.

Based on what I have observed, I do not understand why the European Common Market has not already thrown them out and left them to find their own way. It is almost like no one there believes that they could have insurrection/ a police state /or a dictator ship but that will be inevitable unless the existing Kingdom structure does stand up and exert power. The great British empire will be done and will never be of any consequence again and if that is the outcome Canada will in short order want no part of a lawless silly self destructive commonwealth that will suffer for its foolishness. Where are the leaders ?

WinnieThePoo profile image
WinnieThePoo in reply to GymBag

Always interesting to see views from outside. Lots of answers, but "it ain't that simple" is the basic one

The vote was an ADVISORY referendum, not a mandatory one

It was designed to get a confirmation of remain - no consideration was given to people actually voting "Leave", so the result begged the question "how"?

Whilst there was a narrow protest vote majority for leave, no opinion poll, or as you have noted, assembly of elected representatives, has been able to come out with a "how" that commands more than about 30% support

So the proposed 2nd referendum is not a rerun of the first. In effect it would say "This is the way we propose leaving. Do you want to leave this way, or change your mind?"

There is a lot of talk of Unicorns. "Leave" was a romantic notion. A protest. Not a detailed plan. In particular, it completely failed to account for the Good Friday agreement, which ended decades of IRA terrorism on the island of Ireland. But it also really failed to understand the nature of the economic benefits of single market membership

So the situation is about 50% want to leave, and about 50% don't

About 30% would be happy to leave with no deal - 70% wouldn't

Those wanting to leave with a deal want to retain the benefits of single market membership without accepting the rules and restraints. That is existential for the EU, so they are not going to offer a deal on those terms

There is also a reality restraining the gung-ho Brexit supporting party - even BoJo the clown. The demographics of the result were very skewed. Basically mostly older generation voted leave, and younger generation voted remain. And the older generation had a very high turnout and the younger generation managed millenial apathy. But the shock result has highly energised political participation in youth. And there is a general election looming.

If the referendum were run again today, taking account of leave voters dropping out of the electorate due to death, and remain voters joining due to attaining 18 years, and nothing else changed (ie same level of youth apathy) the vote would be 54% remain. And for all the tough talk, that reality tightens the anal sphincter of the likes of Boris Johnson.

GymBag profile image
GymBag in reply to WinnieThePoo

Thank you

That was very helpful , especially the understanding that the vote was an advisory referendum and not a true plebiscite with actual mandatory results. I have not heard of a non binding referendum, but looking back I suppose we did have one already in Quebec vote for/against independence.

It is difficult to obtain good news coverage that is not sensationalized by your media and of any depth and our papers are full of the childishness of our own Prime Minister who thinks all the world is his stage to act out his importance. The relationships of countries , the structures of power and status of nations is very fragile and anything is possible. I think President Trump knows this and may be the only leader willing to take risk to try different things to find out what the boundaries , limits and possible out comes could be.

We live in interesting times . Only the rule of law will save us .

rebtar profile image
rebtar in reply to WinnieThePoo

Thanks for the explanation. I've been wondering about this since forever! Our media in the US certainly doesn't help much to clarify things.

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