Muhammad Ali hospitalized with respirator... - Cure Parkinson's

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Muhammad Ali hospitalized with respiratory issues that may be more serious

13 Replies

News of his hospitalization brought well wishes from boxers and others on Twitter, including Sugar Ray Leonard, who modeled his career after Ali's.

"Prayers & blessings to my idol, my friend, & without question, the Greatest of All Time @MuhammadAli ! #GOAT," Leonard wrote.

13 Replies

the eloquent, colorful, controversial and brilliant three-time heavyweight boxing champion who was known as much for his social conscience and staunch opposition to the Vietnam War as for his dazzling boxing skills, died Friday.

Ali, who had a long battle with Parkinson's disease, was taken to a Phoenix area hospital earlier this week where he was being treated for a respiratory issue. He was 74.

In 1973, for example, Ali learned that a home for elderly Jewish people was going to close because it was out of money.

"I'll never forget that night," Kilroy said. "It was a cold January night and we saw it on the news. Ali really paid attention to it and you could tell it bothered him, that all these people were going to be put out. They had nowhere to go. He told me to find out where it was, so I called the TV station and got the address.

"We drove over there and walked in and some guy comes up to me. I said, 'We're looking for the man in charge. Where is he?' And the guy says, 'I am. What do you want?' And Ali tells him he wants to help. He wrote him a check for $200,000 and tells him to put it in the bank that night. And then he writes another check for $200,000 and tells him to wait four days, because he has to get home and put some more money in the bank to cover the check."

Bailey_Texas profile image
Bailey_Texas in reply to

He has passed on

landman profile image
landman in reply to

Thank you

redean profile image
redean in reply to

He was a champion in life. May he RIP.

Mohammed Ali RIP- Jan 17, 1942 - June 3, 2016

May he find Peace again from pain and suffering.

*Phoenix area hospital earlier this week where he was being treated for a respiratory issue. He was 74.

Once the most outrageous trash talker in sports, he was largely muted for the last quarter century of his life, quieted by a battle with Parkinson's Disease.

Born Cassius Marcellus Clay Jr. on Jan. 17, 1942

to read whole article:

He will be missed. -DF

cabbagecottage profile image

He fought some battles but the greatest fight was with his Parkinsons which was the hardest ,.

The only people at that ringside were his family and close friends . May he now RIP

Vivante profile image

I heard the information on the radio yesterday, and I must admit I shed a tear. I thought of my husband who used to go boxing, only amateur, that was in York Hall, Bethnal Green. That was many years ago. I thought of the people I taught with Parkinson's, and again I cried.

My sympathies go out to the family and friends, we are all thinking of them. As like many other people who watched him in the ring, I did not think he would suffer so much pain. He had great courage and fought hard and long, the greatest battle was with Parkinson's.

racerCP profile image

So sad and feels personal. I keep saying you don't die of Parkinson's and now I see an example of someone who did. It sounds like someone in my family was gone. Rip

in reply to racerCP

Can we say he died w/P ?

Boxing legend Muhammad Ali died of septic shock after spending five days at an Arizona hospital for what started out as respiratory problems and gradually worsened, succumbing only after his wife and children arrived at his bedside to say goodbye, a family spokesman said Saturday.

Donzim profile image

This is what Don starts with a swallow problem. Probably holding liquid in the mouth which will absorb tiny bits of food left in the mouth and nestled in the teeth from previous bites. Then eventually swallowing randomly while taking a breath and it all or small amounts go 'down the wrong pipe', landing in the lung. There the bits find a warm, moist place to incubate and grow bacteria which leads to pneumonia.

I say all this because it is fairly common in PD. Remember, when eating, 'chew and sweep' i.e. Chew the food and sweep around the mouth with the tongue. Always brush after each eating, no matter if it is a snack. Use the water pic if you can.

PDers who haven't gotten to this stage yet or caretakers: take a bite, swallow and then notice how much tongue and cheek action goes on after to clean the debris....surprised? I was.

Don went in hospital ER just to get a couple of tests, only to learn that he had a UTI which had turned into sepsis and kidney failure. He recovered but will soon die of the heart issue. The trauma caused an 80% loss of his already weakened heart. The respiratory part was the pneumonia probably due to aspiration of food.

Don't we think PDers should routinely get tested for UTIs? Yes, and before we got 'fired' from our previous doctor for not coming often enough for the general exams (per Medicare), we went for urine tests fairly often. We went for so many little things like that (apparently those little check ups don't count) that we overlooked the cut off date for general exams and zap! We are out! Notified by certified mail while Don was in rehab in spite of being reminded the week before to come in for a follow up after hospitalization! After eight years we were left in the middle of a crisis without a family internist! Never mind, one can't get their regular doctors when the are in rehab anyway (thank you, Liar-in-Chief). You have to rely on poorly trained jacks -of -all- trade 'hospitalists'.

Imagine being in cardiac rehab and not being allowed to see one's cardiologist?!? They almost killed him with their inability to give him PD meds properly.

But I digress.

Research the new little device EMST , expiratory muscle strength trainer. Our cardiologist said every PDer should be using it right from diagnosis.

racerCP profile image

This seems to be the major way people die OF PD. Should we address this by the pneumonia vaccine or is it not effective against bacterial pneumonia, only the viral kind? Also thank you for mentioning the EMST device. I will investigate it further.

laglag profile image
laglag in reply to racerCP

I've been told the vaccine is only for the viral pneumonia.

racerCP profile image

Thought so, that is why I didn't bother to take it.

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