Who is currently treating your RA? - Cure Arthritis Co...

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Who is currently treating your RA?

SimoneHU profile imageSimoneHUHealthUnlocked39 Voters
My specialist treats my RA
Other (Please comment below)
My regular doctor is treating my RA
Your regular doctor is following the treatment recommendations of the specialist
4 Replies
Julie_R profile image

I found a naturopath to treat my RA (because she would prescribe low dose naltrexone).  Then my GP retired, my health got even more complicated, and my naturopath is such a good doc, I decided that, at least for now, she'll handle all of me.  But beyond that, I'm a biologist, and do my own web "research".  I consider myself to be my own case manager, and my docs are my partners.

Mairhi profile image

I have a PCP, rheumatologist and pain Dr. that I see regularly. A urologist, heart dr an eye dr, I see as needed.

ShannonMFG profile image

I treat me.

Nitrobunny profile image

I have a PCP, Rheumatologist, and a wonderful neuropain doctor (I have pain and latent effects from ALL in addition to my autoimmune disorders) I'm a big fan of massage and acupuncture as well.