Posts - Couch to 5K | HealthUnlocked

Couch to 5K

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All posts for January 2014

Finishing with a hat trick

Yey, finally finished the C25k with my final run this evening. Having almost c...
marcosan profile image

Fun at the Physio

Met the lovely Hannah the sports physio today. She was awesome! Loads of questio...
Jenwrenarm profile image

Been filling out my profile.

Since the nice people at Heathunlocked asked me to be an administrator and run t...
Realfoodieclub profile image
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started to enjoy it about half way through the 8 minute section. i quite like W...
H25k profile image


3rd run of week 2nd week done, feels great!!! & Loving it BIG thanks for all th...
john60nine profile image

Does anyone else strap up their knee or knees when they run?

I just wondered if anyone else finds running easier if they strap their knee up....
Mum2run profile image

First Week Approaching

So I'm starting week one of C25K this coming Monday ( 20th Jan ) after 20 odd ye...
Hidden profile image

I'm back

Restarted the programme on run 1 week 6 after a 10 week break due to foot proble...
Segrie profile image

Graduation present :(

I graduated last Friday (woohoo!) then woke up on Saturday with a cold! I don't ...
johnnyseven profile image


Hi, this is my second time doing this! Unfortunately I had some trouble with my ...
mustgetthin profile image

That was one psychologically challenging run!

Today I started week 9 and after my last run of week 8 I was keen to begin the f...
Jenner78 profile image

One knee in pain day after first run

Hi, did my first run this week which was great, but the next day i had sharp pai...
Kalypso profile image


just completed week 4 run 2 out of breath but pleased with myself
TheRef profile image

happy run

got a garim 210 comming and ran tonight 9 miles 120 even in the rain love it h...
moger profile image

I'm a runner! (well, Laura seems to think so...)

W6R3 - 25 minutes! Really? 25 minutes, non-stop, gentle jog, picking up speed du...
EverTheOptimist profile image

I'm, like, the Iron Lady

I just started running again after a six-week break – my first outing was two da...
TurboTortoise profile image

Any other fellow fatties managing to get through c25k?

Helloooo folks! I'm a newbie on here and to c25k. I wondered if there are any ot...
Jam_butty profile image

A river runs through it!!

Last night I set off to run a 8+k run hoping that I could make it home before it...
Tready profile image

Week 3 time flies !!

Just finished run 2 week 3, knees ache a lot. But I guess they ll ache more if I...
Kags44 profile image

Here We Go Again...

So I graduated C25K in November 2013, but stopped running partly because of Uni ...
imswan profile image

Woohoo woohoo 10km!!

Hi fellow C25Kers Well last week I ran 8km so today I wanted to do the same or g...
Hules profile image

What is wrong with my leg - really hoping it doesn't stop me from doing this.

I decided to see a physio after week one of C25K as whilst my right leg was comp...
Mum2run profile image

End is in sight .... now what?!

I've got one more Wk 9 run left and then I'll be a graduate. This is, obviously,...
prettymingo profile image

Races, races, races!

My goal for the C25K was always to do the Race for Life. I never thought I'd be...
Jenwrenarm profile image

Week One Day One!

Did it last night loved it !! Liked the podcast but the cheesy music is awful ho...
DaveRunner profile image

Hoola hooping for at least 4 min

Good morning folks . I know it's not running , & I hope you don't mind me sharin...
Rockette profile image

Week one completed. Pleased as punch

I completed week one this morning and am feeling rather pleased with myself. I a...
44cmn profile image

Just ran 4miles my longest distance yet and in new trail shoes my 85 yr old dad bought me !

Was worried about wearing them outside cos if not comfy wouldn't be able to take...
Fitfor60 profile image

Have taken a lot longer than 5 weeks to get to week 5

Not trying to sound smug, but Im so pleased with myself...Slowly but surely,succ...
Siltoe profile image


how often do we do the week one training, is it daily or three times a week?
bacon111 profile image