On Friday I woke up with aching legs and a blocked nose. I didn't want to run, but dragged myself out anyway, as previously just getting out had made me feel good. How wrong I was. It was awful. Nearly quit halfway through and very almost took the short cut home rather than finishing the last 5 minutes of the run - I completed it, but it was horrible and I didn't even feel good afterwards.
So waking up today with Week 8 Run 1 in front of me, I initially curled up in bed and decided I wasn't doing it. But I did. And wow! What a difference a weekend makes - I ran the 28 minutes comfortably, didn't stop, didn't think about stopping, and I could've ran further/longer if Denise hadn't popped up to say I'd finished.
I really enjoyed the run on this cold, frosty morning, and am so glad I decided to get out and just do it. Probably one of my favourite runs so far - and including the warm up and cool down walks I managed 4.5k, which is amazing for me. I'm so close to actually getting to 5k (I know some don't count the walks, but they're part of my routine, so I always do).