Thanks for all the congratulations messages on my graduation.
I would like to tell you a wee story on how my name came about. Back in September 2019 I was your regular couch potato weighing over 17 stones with blood pressure and cholesterol levels through the roof. I had no choice but to follow my doctors advice and went on a diet. A year later I was 2 stone lighter and set up a NutraCheck app to help me keep track of calories and stuff. I required a user name for the forum. As I was now a bit thinner, paying homage (sort of) to some guy on the chase I was now the Thinnerman.
I now weigh 12 stones, being 5’7” in height I’m not really thin, just thinner.
The arthritis diagnosis pushed me to be a bit more active, now I can run 30 minutes without stopping. I still really can’t believe it to be honest.
To quote an old cliche “if I can do it, anybody can”.
Thanks for listening.
Good luck everybody and all the best🏃🏃🏃