CATCH-UP CORNER...Week 3... Come on in. ALL we... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...Week 3... Come on in. ALL welcome in here. Did you know that your SMILE is GOOD for your RUNNING?

Oldfloss profile image
45 Replies

… and your RUNNING is good for your SMILE !

It is true. It really is.

Okay, now before you think I have really lost the plot, I shall explain all!

Oh... I forgot... hello everyone and welcome to Catch-Up Corner Week 3 ! Slip off your shoes, pick a cushion and settle down for a while. I apologise for the delay, this week, I had a blip!

Now, where was I … ? Ah yes, smiling!

I have had a good couple of weeks, running -wise; a tad stressful on other areas, Thursday was a doozie...but apart from that, really good.

Now, I have been doing some different kinds of runs and I have been using an app to help me with the runs. I am always giving folks advice on things after they Graduate C25K, so I took a bit of that advice and I am, currently, shaking things up.

One interesting aspect of the app is, that at some point, the voice in my ear will tell me to smile. Smile, when I am running. Smile, because weirdly it relaxes your face!

Now, I have had a couple of days when I have to be honest, I did not feel much like smiling, but, sensible old snail that I am, I do as I am told. I did smile! After the run, I got to thinking and I started to do a little bit of research … ( you know what I am like)! What I found out was so interesting!

We all know how great the C25K programme is, and we all know how thrilled we are when we Graduate...we are running safely, we are running steadily , we are running strong, but are we running happy?

We should be because;

1) Physical exercise, running included, is known to release endorphins in the brain. Endorphins act as a natural errr, drug, that make a person more energetic, more awake and, da da dah.... happier.

2) Running benefits us physically, which, in turn, makes us feel stronger and better able to handle life generally. Being in better shape, changes us, not only physically, but mentally, also. It makes us feel more in control and able to cope with confidence.

3) Running allows us to set goals. C25K sets the goal for us, but after Graduation, we choose our goals. Many folk are happier when they are working towards a goal, whether they actually achieve it or not. The act of setting a goal and actively working towards it is what seems to trigger happiness. Although sometimes, especially when we begin running it is hard not to focus TOO much on the goal, and we may forget to enjoy the lead up to it.

Reaching the goal, is brilliant , but it is, apparently, the journey towards the goal that leads to the most happiness.

4) The happiness within ours and any other running community is a very social thing, despite the fact that we run as an individual. Look how supportive we are here and ion all our running forums!. Running with friends or running with other runners virtually, gives us a wonderful feeling of belonging!

5) Running, when we accept and acknowledge it, improves our self-esteem. Now, increased self-esteem makes us happier. A happy runner is one who knows exactly how awesome they are. Don't you?

NOW, as if that was not enough reasons to be happy when running, there is more!

A study published in Psychology and Exercise, found that runners who smiled used less oxygen, ran more economically and had a lower perceived rate of exertion than those who frowned ! Blimey!

Tightening your jaw means everything is tense... relax it and smile and hey presto, running easy, running well, running happy!

According to the research, it can be a false smile...but a genuine smile apparently happens , even if it starts false!

Well !

I think that everything I have read, would make me want to start running. If I hadn't already started!

I do know that running makes me very happy. I do feel better physically and mentally and I do know that it makes me feel confident and more able to handle certain aspects of my life! But now I know that it is all based on scientific fact, by golly... !

So, food for thought here and we want to know how you are running. How is it going for you right now? Are you able to run happy?

Share what has been happening because this is a great place for advice, tips and just sharing!

Looking forward to all your replies.

Okay, slip your running shoes back on... get off that cushion and head out, oh, and if you aren't wearing one right now.... SMILE!

Oldfloss x


Notice how many awesome, famous, elite runners smile when they are running... now we know why xx


Kipchoge is a great example... supposedly because of performance. I think he is just happy!


If you pass a strange looking old lady in very funky leggings, running, with a HUGE smile on her face? It will be me! x

Shout out to...

030961 Tbae Bluefly FrankyC BarbieW Shandy1 Marvincat Katprid Mumpark Week7 BS44 slipstick

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Oldfloss profile image
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45 Replies
MaisieR profile image

Well...that's me back from W1 R1 having started my journey again to regain confidence and fitness. I have to admit I was not looking forward to getting started, but I set off with Laura's support and some good music and made it to the end. Bring on day 2. 🏃‍♀️. Thank you all for your support 👍x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to MaisieR

Huge well done to you! So good to get back on track and the familiarity makes it feel easier? Looking forward to watching your progress!

Jazzyme profile image
Jazzyme in reply to MaisieR

Fantastic! Well done for getting started again 🌟

Oldfloss profile image

Shout out too, to Mum22boys Hidden Dhiny Greenthorn Elfe5 Renidragas Lola-bear 3rd_time_lucky Greenrunner47 Liono LanciaA Cushions a'plenty!

Frenc profile image

Tee hee that voice that tells you to smile tells me to as well! I’m not sure if mid run it looks like a nice cheery smile, or a tortured soul trying to look happy, but it is such a great reminder to, well, smile! And it does work doesn’t it 😁😁😁. Thought of you the other day as I set a snail on the right path - it was on a busy walkway, and I gently put it in a flower bed. I wonder what it’s up to when I go past that spot everyday! All the best 😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

Yeayyy. I love a flower bed.Thank you ! or grimace??

Your post on the other forum proves the smile, point.

It does help, we do relax...and maybe it feels easier?

Thank you for popping in.Have a super day ! X

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Frenc

Better not be in MY flower bed!!🤣🤣

Frenc profile image
FrencGraduate in reply to Elfe5


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

But snails are so beautiful! ( But yes... often hungry)!

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

They are, indeed, beautiful – I admire them myself when they are not eating my plants or hibernating in my conservatory. 😂

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

I see loads in my runs in Wales and have struck up a friendship with a couple of regulars, seriously. They can teach us so much about life generally and have influenced my running from the word go! Well, that is my excuse! :)

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

Excellent excuse!😄My favourite snail place is Lindisfarne in Northumberland. There are extremely beautiful stripey snails in the sand dunes there.

Less favoured are the hunky bruisers in my garden which nibble holes in the buds of my miniature irises before they have even had a chance to open. Now & then, when the damage is becoming excessive, I gather them as a feast for the birds.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

I have always wanted to visit Lindisfarne ! Growing up as a child the name always conjured up some magical images in my head..

Elfe5 profile image
Elfe5Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

It is a special place- particularly good if you can manage to stay for a few days. Moonlight on the causeway & the howling of the seals, walking around the island & birdwatching, not to mention the priory & the castle… 😄

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

Now, I really want to go!!!

Instructor57 profile image

I love coaches prompts to smile !I had these several times now during the HM plan and it does actually work .

Infact, I usually end up laughing 🤣

After all we run for fun as well as fitness 😬

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Instructor57

Me too... often wonder what folk make of it all. But weirdly, I am finding the runs easier and reach home very relaxed indeed. Time passes quickly when someone is chatting to you, and you answer in your head.

I do usually smile a lot anyway.

Thank you for popping in here x

Elfe5 profile image

😂😂😂 Love it OF! - I shall be joining the old lady running & grinning gang!

Yesterday, I had my first happy run for a while- I think I have been fighting off one of those low grade viral bugs that makes you tired & drag yourself through all tasks - and that was my running too.

So, I took a little break, realised I was dreading a point in each run of suddenly feeling horribly tired (usually about 20mins) & gave myself permission to end my run at that point if I wanted to. Yesterday I went extra slowly & puttered gently through all 28 minutes of W8R2 without that happening. Generally I am feeling better, so maybe a bug is going, but the “stop if I want to” permission really helped. A tactic for me to remember. Now to add that smile…😆

PS Part of “happy running” for me is what I listen to as I run. It may be music, a spoken word podcast or the bird song & breeze around me - but it needs to be positive with good vibes. I never listen to “interesting but gloomy” programs on a run.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Elfe5

This is good news. Listening to your body and taking notice of it ! I am glad that you are feeling a tad better; the chances are it was some little weird bug that are doing the rounds now masks are off!

Your run sounds to have been just fine too.

We all have our favourite music or silence or just the world going past. I do feel sometimes, Nature's sounds are the finest soul lifter ever, as you clearly do too.

Good to have you here with us, take care of you xx

CBDB profile image

Smiling… there is science behind it! What a great read.

A few years ago I took part in an experiment where they tested an app, where for 10 min per day you had to chose by clicking only the 1 smiling person in the collection of 4 faces. And by focussing on the smilers, your mood improved!

They were aiming this to improve mental health.

It certainly worked with me! I loved clicking away at smiley people!

So not only smiling seems to work but seeking out smilers!


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to CBDB

That sounds so interesting! I would love to have a go at that!

I found this whole thing really absorbing... and spent far too long reading all the links. It got a tad technical with oxygen levels etc but the gist of it is that smiling really does help!

Anything that helps us physically and mentally has just got to be a good thing!

Thank you for popping in today x

Liono profile image

Hello Oldfloss! What a lovely post!

I've certainly noticed all these benefits of running since I started way back in January, which is why I'm still going. I'm one of those folk you mention who are happiest when working towards a goal, so hopefully I will have a big reason to smile at the end of next week, which is finally W9. Although it does mean I will have to start thinking about my next goal 😂

Something that never fails to make me smile on a run is when an appropriately-timed song comes on my playlist. So this week I made myself a playlist of songs that mention running or have running in the title - just because I could and it amused me. So there's another smiley, funky legging-wearing lady right here, and this one is also singing about running (loudly and out of tune!)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Liono

Your next goal will be waiting! So exciting when we move forward?

It is right isn't it... the travelling towards the goal can be a really productive and happy time.. ?

You will have a very smiley face when you reach that podium and see us all waiting there!

I know what you mean about the music... and I love your idea of songs with runner or running in the title!

I always smile when I hear the ," just one more mile" in and Abba song!

I have this wonderful image now of a brightly garbed lady, running freely and singing loudly...just perfect!

Well done you!

Chinkoflight profile image

Today 3 calendar months after having a severe stroke I entered and completed my first Parkrun. This was a goal following discovering the C25K link on the British Heart Foundation website. I am amazed at this programme and how it's transformed a lifetime non runner into today's outcome. Those first weeks of C25K included my grandchildren going out with me on the walk run sequences and I struggled at each stage to move up from a minute to 90 seconds to 3 minutes etc. My profile , male 70, overweight/obese, (but losing weight) no other co-morbidities, Bradycardia with ectopics .

The only personal claim I can make is a desire to take some action to show that I was taking responsibility for my health and this was about the only thing I could find. So I have been determined and followed the programme no more no less from start to finish. The outcome is testament to the wonderful people who devised and tested this programme and of course all the fantastic insights and encouragement on this forum, especially the coaches.

Thank you and to all those on C25K this weekend, as they say, keeeeeeeeep running.

Parkrun log.
Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Chinkoflight

Thank you so much for posting this here!!Inspirational...absolutely inspirational!

On you go!!!

Week7 profile image
Week7Graduate in reply to Chinkoflight

Inspirational! Such a brilliant example of resilience for your grandchildren too.Bet they're proud of you, and rightly so!

Mum22boys profile image

Hi Oldfloss, what a fabulous post. I'm obviously a long way from completing c25k but when I do I'll be back for more info on this smiling app 😉 Sorry to hear you've been having a few stressful days, hopefully everything sorts itself out.

No more runs since Thursday yet but planned for Monday 🤞

I am after some recommendations (and will post on strength and flex too). I've got a sore right shoulder and 4 weeks on Monday will be doing the Macmillan 72 holes in a day golf challenge so definitely need to not aggravate it any more. So... I'm looking for any suggestions of yoga practices that don't involve time on the hands / arms etc, just until I get this sorted.

Today the 4 of us went on a father's day walk up Loughrigg fell... the elder boys 2nd wainwright, starting them young 😉

Have a good next run... and keep smiling xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mum22boys

Such a positive post and one to make anyone smile...I am getting sorted thank you... thing fall into place...x

Monday sounds good and that yoga is going to help with the shoulder I hope! Your walk sounds super...and yes, starting early is the way; never too early for a good habit!

You are getting back to it wonderfully!

I shall keep smiling. I have had so many inspiring posts to read today...thank you xxx

Week7 profile image

Smiling is good but is laughing better? I frequently listen to comedy podcasts when I run and often wonder what passers by think as I giggle my way around the town!Running is the key to a happier me!

Happy running all!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Week7

I think laughing must be good too, so many of us seem to do it!Folk must think we are a tad unhinged sometimes!

But if it makes the run fun and if it makes us happier...then it has got to be right :)

Well done you!

Hedgehogs123 profile image

Haha I have a joke with a few of the Marshall's at Parkrun that I'm generally smiling as I go round, now I know why!! Although this week the dreaded covid has atlast caught me. I've felt absolutely awful, the horrible cough, constant headache, sore throat and the worse thing , no energy to run!! I'm hoping it doesn't last much longer as don't want all my hard work and training to have been a waste! But hey, I'm still smiling despite how bad I feel!!😃

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Hedgehogs123

No. Oh gosh that is not funny! If you can smile through Covid. You must be happy!Heal well and heal soon.

Them carry on running and smiling as you go. x

Pymander10 profile image

Wow! Thank you Okdfloss. This has been my first time back on the forum in a couple of weeks and I think your post has made me feel like going running again!I’ve been out of the game for almost 2 months due to spending a month in a psychiatric hospital. I feel my mental recovery is coming along and now maybe my physical recovery and what better way to find out than starting the c25k for the second time?!

I feel I’ve been really putting it off just looking on the forum but now I have read your post I’m almost looking forward to it. Almost. So thank you kindly and who knows maybe I’ll even start tomorrow?! :-)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Pymander10

Running can be a huge help for us mentally and physically and many of us have had some really tricky issues over the last two years.

Please do think about starting again. Slow and steady as ever, no pressure. Maybe use the run . not to run away from problems , but simply to move beyond them.

So many of us have repeated C25K...including me. It took me from December 17th to June to re -Graduate... but like many, I got there:)

The runs are familiar and you have NO pressure. Popping in here too is a great place to share what is going on. A place to pick up a cushion and just sit a while.

Don't overthink it... get your kit ready and just head out for a little jogette... the first steps will be the hardest and remember. we are right there beside you :)

Lovely to see you here, well done you and please, do stay around x

Spannerz20 profile image

It’s been 4 years since I first completed C25K and since then I’ve had an on off relationship with running. I almost completed bridge to 10K and during the pandemic repeated C25K again.

But this year I’ve been reminded of just how good running is for your mental health. Having recently separated from my partner of 15 years and facing a milestone birthday my head was not in a good place. Somehow I managed to find the energy to lace up my trainers head out the door and run round the block.

That was a month ago and today I completed my second 5K in a week. The endorphins were flowing and that feeling of a runners high is the ultimate natural antidepressant! #outrunthedark

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Spannerz20

Thank you for reposting here xxx

WhaleSongC profile image

Looking forward to running and smiling - my last post I was off to the gym so I could complete my runs away from Sahara dust. Well, the gym was pristine but stank of cleaning chemicals, so I went to check out another one which was average but odor free :p. Ran out of time to choose, went to pick my mum up, she looked a bit sweaty so did a covid test on her, and yup, +! My son picked it up from the car ride with her and shared it with me a few days later.

So two + weeks later I’m still two runs from graduating :p.

And after reading your post, that’s ok. It’s the journey not just the end goal :).

Of course this week the air is nice and clear. Haha.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to WhaleSongC

Oh my goodness...hope you're feeling better! Better check out today's Catch up post.....all about new starting lines! Take care you xx

Mummycav profile image

I’m here Oldfloss …I’m still smiling..and running along to the beat…past my ‘Oldfloss’s bush’ …that makes me smile while I’m running & releases all sorts of good vibes when I’m running…love your posts xxx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Good to know my friend. I love that I am so close to you on those runs!

You maybe, will take a peek at this weeks Catch Up post too, ( when you have a spare moment ) Ha ha!

All about. Starting Lines... and quite a few of us are thinking of those already . xxx

FrankyC profile image

Thank you for the Shout out Oldfloss 👋The brain is an amazing thing, I have been reading a lot lately about habits and how they are formed. Anxiety and Fear and how to help overcome them. Also the power of a positive mind set. The studies on these are amazing and the information literally mind boggling 🙈😂

Happiness is definitely an inside job as the saying goes. So happy running 🏃‍♀️ long may it continue

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to FrankyC

It is truly amazing. Working for and against us...but, to try to keep smiling and keep positive would appear to be two tolls that we need to succeed, in so many things :) Thanks you .. !

LiisaM profile image

Well, I haven't read all the replies below here, but your post reminds me that somewhere I heard or read that if you smile at a drive through restaurant, one can hear that one is smiling. And if one smiles, one is also actually happier(?) (or maybe you wrote that in your post....) I'm a little rattle brained these last few days.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

A smile does make you feel happier...all to do with phenomes, but sometimes life weighs heavy. Sometimes we need help to find our smile again... and that is why the forums may help. x

Who says your an ol Lady if you're smiling the whole world smiles with you..... Well I'm just finished week 3 😁 bit worried about the big step up so that's a frown.

So hey- ho I'll give it ago smiling .

Thanks I've been taking it all too seriously.

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