Hunger meant that eating had to happen when I got in from work, rather than running, and given the potential slipperiness this evening I was in two minds about whether I'd run later. Eventually I decided I'd brave it, since it wasn't raining, and even if I didn't manage a full run, ten minutes would be better than nothing. So kitted up and lit up, off I went.
The moon as shining brightly on the light dusting of snow, and making everything look beautiful, but it wasn't as cold as I'd expected. The first couple of minutes were easy enough, then Cedric the Gremlin woke up and started with the self-doubting routine. I ignored him though, and concentrated on breathing. For once I also remembered the suggestion of using a manta, so I had a play with finding a five-syllable one which worked for me and fitted with my breathing. Then 'Julie' came on, and my mantra changed to 'oh no it's - Julie' π
By the end of Julie, I was heading round the cul-de-sac a second time, and knew that by the time I'd done that one and the second one, that would be half way. The second cul-de-sac was start inning to get slightly icy, so I was cautious, but it was all ok.
Round the loop a third time, and getting tired, but the end was in sight. I cut the icy bit short and went further down the high street to finish off, discretion being the better part of valour and all that
So all in all a good run. Not particularly fast, but I was more bothered about not slipping, and getting round it all, than with trying to set any speed records! My knee was twinging a bit in the final walk, but has been fine since and will hopefully be fine tomorrow... One more week 8 run this weekend, then the end is really in sight..! π