W2R2 and beyond...: Hello again. Thanks for all... - Couch to 5K

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W2R2 and beyond...

8 Replies

Hello again. Thanks for all your help with my shin splints query. I did w2r2 this morning but really cannot see how I will ever be able to run any longer than 90 seconds at a time....Still loving it despite the derisory sniggers from a friend when she heard I had started c25k! I will keep going!

8 Replies
useitorloseit profile image

Don't listen to the sniggers. You'll be the one laughing when you're supertoned and superfit!

Ullyrunner profile image

Well done. They'll be sorry when you leave them for dust in a few short weeks. You'll find plenty of support on here if not from your 'friend'

IannodaTruffe profile image

If you complete a run then you are ready for the next one. Stay relaxed, start off slowly and trust the brilliant structure of C25k to get you through. You can do this and you will have the last laugh. Stick with it. It is worth it. Good luck.

You will be able to run for more than 90 seconds. Just keep going slow and steady we will be your non sniggering friends !

misswobble profile image

Why can't you believe it? Thousands and thousands have done it before you so I see no reason to doubt the programme. Hundreds here have done it and are doing it now. The evidence is clear. Read through the posts and you'll see it unfolding before your very eyes. Sniggering friend! Hmmm

You'll finish it if you stick with it but you have to want to do it. I hope you do. If so, we'll be here to support you.

Have fun!

in reply to misswobble

I don't doubt the programme miss wobble, I doubt myself! If someone had said a few weeks ago that I would be getting up at 6 am to go running and love it, I wouldn't have believed them! How quickly things change is just fab! Thanks for the encouragement.

Clara29 profile image

Sniggers?! That will spur you on! Glad you are loving it too. I am plodding on and got to week 4 day 1 yesterday, but slowly slowly slowly; each week thinking I couldn't possibly do more and move on and each time so far feeling great when I have managed to push past those fears. The first time I did 3 mins there was a point when I thought I couldn't possibly run any further and Laura said calmly in my ear 'you are half way through' or some such and I nearly sobbed with horror, but because of this forum I knew everyone else had been at that point and had done it so I just kept pushing one foot in front of the other really slowly, and lo and behold I ran (well, to be honest, jogged, really really slowly) for 3 minutes!

The programme is making me feel more confident generally because I am tackling something that is difficult and requires perseverance (not generally one of my strongest character traits!) and involves exercise (which I always thought was something only other people could do) and I am really proud of myself and of everyone else who does it.

It is a really great effort you are making: you will do it, just pace yourself and take your time. :-)

misswobble profile image

You'll be fine Floyd and Clara. The programme will work for you. It's designed for people of all ages and abilities

Don't doubt yourself Floyd! You'll nail it. Just keep running everything other day following the programme with Laura. Do as she says mind and you'll get through it. Take each run at a time, don't look ahead at future weeks. Just think about the run that's in front of you, tick it off and move on to the next. You'll be at Graduation in no time. Take care not to go too fast or you risk hurting yourself.

If you find yourself struggling, or not wanting to go out for a run, come back here and we'll nag you to death til you do!

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