Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

3,581 members1,405 posts

All posts for February 2019

Newly diagnosed

Hi friends I was just going to introduce my self my name is Karyee it is pounced...
Cutie_03 profile image

Airway clearance Therapy Vest

Does anyone know about the inCourage Airway Clearance Therapy Vest? It is supp...
dormguard profile image


I just wanted to say hello to everyone. I hope y'all have a great Sunday and a g...
dmb1141 profile image
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New carers

Hi All of you amazing people who live with COPD. I know it's not fun but for us ...
Hidden profile image


Can anyone suggest a good cough mixture that might help to ease a tickly cough a...
Duff1953 profile image


I had my lung function yesterday up from 22 to 23.5 predicted up from o.68 to 0....
Duff1953 profile image

Frustrated can't get answers help

Hi everyone just an update on my partner at present Jim is still in Hospice for ...

COPD recently diagnosed. Open to alternative treatments that help.

I've reviewed standard treatments for copd, mostly including nebulizers, 02 ther...


My doctor says it is o.k. to take Vitamin C along with the COPD medication that ...
dormguard profile image

Never ending chest infection

I go from one CI to the next, afraid to venture outside in case it starts anothe...
oulpete profile image

"cough" that needs to be more productive .

What is good to bring up a "productive cough" so that the "stuff" in the chest c...
dormguard profile image

Good morning

Not been in for a while been very busy went home to Scotland for a holiday doing...
Haggis12 profile image


Can anyone tell me what excersise I can do with a fev 1 off 23 not to sure yet I...
Duff1953 profile image

advice which medicine to take for copd

Hallo Is there anyone who can give me advice on which medicine to take for cop...
levina profile image


Just been told that I am not suitable for endobronchial valves but may be able t...
Duff1953 profile image


Does anyone know why coughing causes such severe breathless
Duff1953 profile image


Does anyone know if you can get pulmonary rehab like excersise in a gym I have j...
Duff1953 profile image


Can anyone tell me if they know anything about endobronchial valves into the lun...
Duff1953 profile image

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