Posts - COPD Friends | HealthUnlocked

COPD Friends

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All posts for June 2017

I have not smoked ANY today! :) I'm proud of me!

As you all know I have been trying so hard to quit. I have not had one today, a...

To ashamed to see my doctor

I was wondering if anyone still smokes after being diagnosed? I was diagnosed a ...
Moment49 profile image

One more question for today. :) Rib pain?

Do any of you have rib pain from copd? I have had it for almost 2 yrs. They did...
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Hello my copd friends....

Well, I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, and also mad at myself for doin...


How do you ween your self off oxygen? Some one on here said that is what they ar...
Sandra1944 profile image

How to deal with diagnosis ?

Hi im sue . My partner has been diagnosed with copd been told he has 3-5 years t...
Sue02712 profile image

Understanding abbreviations from other countries

Could I please ask a very polite question? I'm from the UK (sorry) reading posts...
Jimbuck profile image

Both lungs failing

He everyone, specialist told us both of my mothers lungs and heart are failing.....
Lucky34 profile image

Its not unusual

There is nothing wrong with feeling morbid occasionally everyone everyone's moo...
mikefa profile image

Low pulse

First post for me. Have had COPD for 10years or more and generally coping pretty...
Oldenpastit profile image

Pain in the upper back

Just wondering if anyone has pain in their upper back because of copd. It comes ...
Ksb6420 profile image

Need to say this about anti-depressants and anti-anxiety meds.

There are many people who die from respiratory distress from taking these medica...

Can't figure numbers out. Does crazy go with COPD? lol'm the kind of person who will take numbers like PFT and try to...

COPD/ or emphysema

My question is this, How do they diagnosis COPD as opposed to emphysema? Do your...

The results are in. :(

Hello again my fellow COPD friends! I posted a few days ago. I had an appointme...

Tied to oxygen

I am new here. After struggling with COPD for years and several recent urgent m...
Herblou profile image

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