Posts - Charcot-Marie-Tooth UK | HealthUnlocked

Charcot-Marie-Tooth UK

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All posts for February 2019

CBD oil for nerve pain?

Hi everyone. My 12 year old with CMT is suffering quite a lot with nerve pain an...
Asyeda profile image

CMT in some caused by Fluroquinolones

My problems started after having been three times prescribed CIpro and Fluroquin...
seasider18 profile image

Hello all, this is my 1st visit

Over 30 years ago my dad started falling/tripping over nothing. He had all kinds...
handmaid profile image
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CMT and multiple other problems

I have either CMT or a peripheral neuropathy - the neurologist can't seem to mak...
Skyman1944 profile image

Living with CMT

I’m 45 years old and I’ve been diagnosed with CMT it was about 6 years ago. I ha...

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