We've halfway through 2016! What have ... - CLL America Support

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We've halfway through 2016! What have you done in 2016 to help yourself grow as a "Powerful Patient"?

tclementi profile imagetclementi11 Voters
Read and learned more about my illness
Made lifestyle changes, like diet, exercise and stress reduction
Sought out support through family, friends, support groups
Considered/enrolled in a clinical trial
Attended in-person events about my illness
Other (I'll explain more by leaving a comment)
Made more frequent appointments with my GP/cancer specialist
1 Reply
LynnB1947 profile image

As an ibrutinib patient of 2+ years, I am very interested in other options including clinical trials if ibrutinib loses its effectiveness. I did attend an in-person conference in October 2015, and I will again when the opportunity presents itself. I just saw my dr in June & the frequency of dr visits is changing from every 3 months to every 6 months, and CT scans from 6 months to 12 months.