How does your GP react to your concern... - CLL America Support

CLL America Support

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How does your GP react to your concerns about issues that could be CLL-related? Tick any boxes that may apply & feel free to add further

tclementi profile imagetclementi10 Voters
I feel I am sufficiently knowledgeable about my own CLL condition
My GP believes I may be well informed about my CLL and is receptive to my opinion
I feel it necessary to remind my GP that I have CLL whenever I see them
My GP is aware of my CLL and considers the possibility that a current issue may be related
When I present with an issue, my GP is often dismissive of CLL being possibly connected
My GP doesn't believe I may be well informed about my CLL and isn't receptive to my opinion
I feel I am not very knowledgeable about my CLL condition
Other (i'll leave a comment explaining)
1 Reply

My GP had never had a patient with CLL before and didn't know what to make of my elevated lymphocyte count. I now feel that I know considerably more about CLL than my GP does.