Do you feel like your relationships ha... - CLL America Support

CLL America Support

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Do you feel like your relationships have been impacted since your diagnosis?

aking90 profile imageaking906 Voters
Maybe, but nothing to an extreme level
Yes, in a bad way, I feel lonely and secluded
Yes, in a good way, I am much closer to my family and friends
Yes, I have to rely on others in my life much more now
No, nothing has changed
2 Replies
deveritt profile image

it's a bit more complex than I can answer from the options given - I think having a chronic condition filters out how people actually relate to you by their own behaviour, no matter what they say or how they *appear* to behave. With some people it caused issues, with others it has bought us closer, but I think those properties were already part of those relationships - dealing with CLL simply highlighted them.

tclementi profile image
tclementi in reply to deveritt

Good points!!