Posts - Bronchiectasis Support | HealthUnlocked

Bronchiectasis Support

915 members415 posts

All posts for March 2023

Bad few weeks with chest

Hi everyone. I joined 3 months ago been in the back ground reading and learning ...

Pseudomonas not responded to a/b

I’ve been told that, despite numerous courses of a/b over the past 6 months, I s...
Active60 profile image

Can Bronchiectasis go

I had a CT scan at the beginning of 2022 due to a bad cough. I was diagnosed wit...
Redporti profile image
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Hello everyone.Diagnosed with bronchiectasis. Is it really good to have my pneum...
iamgg profile image

Constant antibiotics play havoc with my digestion - advice on diet?

Whilst I am eternally grateful that my Bronchiectisis is 'mild' and infections s...
Active60 profile image

Post nasal drip

Had a viros in December and ime left with post nasal drip since.had a steroid n...

Haemophilus influenza

I have had 9 days clarithomycin, but bronchiectasis worsened, then haemophilus i...
Tinker26 profile image

Sudden rapid drops in SP02 that recover quickly

Hi, Does anyone else have experience of SP02 levels dropping suddenly and then r...

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