Worried about Hepatitis C: I used a... - British Liver Trust

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Worried about Hepatitis C

Attitrax profile image
18 Replies

I used a friends razor 10-12 years ago before a night out and never thought of it again. Then, during covid my mental health declined and I started worrying that maybe I passed my friend hepatitis c and I need to tell them (I don't talk to them anymore)

I had the antibody test recently and it came back negative and my only risk factor was snorting cocaine on the very odd occasion (never bought it)

Even though I've had the negative test I can't help thinking I should tell them anyway to be safe, but obviously don't want to if there's nothing to worry about. I tell myself that theres much more chance that they could have got it themselves just by living their lives (sex, fighting, even dried infected blood on an object) than from someone who tested negative for antibodies and used their razor once.

What worries me is that I have read in some places that antibodies may become undetectable after a number of years so there is a small chance that I could have had it when I used the razor years ago but can't know now, so this is why I feel the need to tell them.

Can someone help put my mind at rest?

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Attitrax profile image
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18 Replies
AyrshireK profile image

I severely doubt that you would have caught Hep C and remained totally symptom free for this length of time after a single episode of sharing a razor - your friend would have had to have the condition for you to have caught it from his razor and unless you shared blood, body fluids it's very unlikely.

As well as the antibody test you should also have a PCR test to see if you have any viral load for Hep C. nhs.uk/conditions/hepatitis...

I very much think you are over thinking this and letting your anxiety get the better of you. If you have no symptoms or other bloods going out of range then you are unlikely to be carrying Hep C.


Attitrax profile image
Attitrax in reply to AyrshireK

thanks for replying Katie.

I'm actually worried that I may have given them something not that I would have caught it from them.

Its the fact that there's a small chance the antibodies might have gone away in the ten year period in between and I can't help feeling that I should tell them to get tested just to be safe but obviously that would be a very uncomfortable situation that id like to avoid if possible

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Attitrax

But if you don't have Hep C so can't have passed it on.

Have a Hep C viral load PCR test done and that way you'll know for sure you have no viral load. Negative antibody test/negative viral load test = no Hep C so potentially nothing at all to be concerned about.

I take it you are not dreadfully poorly with obvious liver disease either, other liver blood tests ok?

You could discuss this with your doctor, ask for full Hep C screening and liver bloods and hopefully reassure yourself that this is not worth the panic you are going through.

Leave the cocaine alone 'cos it will only further befuddle your brain.


Attitrax profile image
Attitrax in reply to AyrshireK

No I am not unwell at all and I am not in the slightest bit worried that I currently have hepatitis-c. I am just worried that there's is a very very small chance they could have got it from me from using the razor and I'm being selfish by not telling them to get tested just in case.

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Attitrax

But Hep C is a virus that doesn't just go away on it's own accord so if you had Hep C back then you'd still have it now (in all likelihood).

I really think you are worrying about nothing and there is no need to go alarming your friend if you don't have Hep C.

Attitrax profile image
Attitrax in reply to AyrshireK

that's what I always thought but then I learned that it can spontaneously clear itself sometimes and also antibodies disappear so I can't be 100% sure.

I know it sounds ridiculous but I can't stop worrying about it

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Attitrax

Unfortunately it sounds like non of us 'lay people' who make up the forum membership will be able to offer the evidence/reassurance you need to over turn the worries & anxieties you have got. Either seek proper advice from your doctor or perhaps have a chat with the British Liver Trust nurses on the helpline who may be able to help with further advice. 0800 652 7330

OleMiss profile image

I caught hepatitis b twenty years ago and still have the antibodies. My doctor told me just why I cant catch it again

chl233153 profile image
chl233153 in reply to OleMiss

please what are the remedies you used when you had hep b please..

How did you feel during recovery

Please educate..


Rshc profile image

medical anxiety is a horrid thing. It is so very very unlikely that YOU would have had hepatitis and no symptoms of it and then passed it on, even if you did have hepatitis the chance of passing it on by sharing a razor is slim to say the least. Also as this was such a long time ago your friend would themselves have symptoms if they had caught it. You need to try and be kinder to yourself

Bunsenhoneydew profile image

I understand how you feel. I worried that I had got hiv from working with blood products. So I know it niggles in your brain. However I am sure that you have not got hep c or passed it on. To put your mind at rest contact a nurse at the liver trust who will have a chat. Then deal with the real problem which is obsessive thoughts about it ( I say this in kindness as a fellow anxiety sufferer! ) so after chatting to liver nurse get some help with intrusive thoughts ( harder to deal with !! ) and all the best x

PipM82 profile image

sounds like Health Anxiety Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - not that I’m a doctor.

MaudeLynne profile image

Hallo. I’m ‘jumping in’ on this thread which is unusual as I’m a lurker.

Katie, oracle of all things liver and sensible as ever, has given some practical advice, which should be reassuring for you.

However, what struck me here was not health anxiety but maybe needing/wanting a solid reason for contacting your old friend?

Sharing a razor is actually quite intimate, demonstrating a closeness you no longer have.

Just a thought from an alternate perspective.

All the best to you.

Attitrax profile image
Attitrax in reply to MaudeLynne

Hi Maude and everyone else who has replied.

I do have OCD and am aware that this is a symptom of this.

I do not want to get in contact with these old friends again and also they were not aware that I used the razor. If they had allowed me then I probably wouldn't worry about this at all.

Could you perhaps tell me what you would say to yourself in this situation to stop yourselves worrying about this?

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Attitrax

I think OCD overtakes your ability to think rationally about these things BUT if you do step it out logically it would appear you have nothing to worry about in this matter.

1. Snorting cocaine is fairly low risk for picking up Hep C - sharing a toot may incur a slight risk IF you exchanged nasal fluid via the toot BUT not high risk like needle sharing or un protected sex. (As a mind altering substance though it can play a huge role in fuelling your anxieties)

2. So you used a friends razor one time, unless you cut yourself then it would be low risk. Even if you did cut yourself I assume you rinsed the blade after use so would have washed off any blood so realistically what chance would there be of your friend also cutting themself and mixing your blood with theirs? (Next to zero risk).

3. Negative antibodies for Hep C, no acute illness that has spontaneously cleared (next to no chance you had or passed on Hep C).

Can't put it any more plainly or logically really. Low to zero chance of you ever having had or passed on Hep C.


Maisy2020 profile image

if you had hep c the antibodie test would of been positive, and would remain positive for the rest of your life ,thats a fact ,hope that helps ,

Browsingquietly profile image

This sounds like health anxiety for certain, my anxiety disorder manifests like this at times too 😑. You don't have hep C, and although you mind is fixated on it at the moment and it's a source of worry, logically after the negative test, you know you don't have it. Seek further blood tests if that will help alleviate the worry in the short term, but in the long term it's that anxiety you need to tackle, else you'll soon find something else to stress over. Do you have any help for the anxiety at the moment? X

Attitrax profile image
Attitrax in reply to Browsingquietly

yes im in therapy and take medication but the therapist doesn't specialise in OCD, which is what this relates to.

The thing is, I'm not at all worried about my health, I'm not worried that I have hepatitis c. I am simply worried that I put my friend at risk by using their razor without their consent.

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