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Breast Cancer India

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Lump in right breast and under armpit

Hi. I am a 21 year old girl. A couple months ago I noticed a lump in my right ou...
nk1997 profile image

5 Warning Signs of Breast Cancer That Many Women Ignore!

hello! I’m happy to take you through a brief tour of Breast Cancer Signs. Breast...

Types & Symptoms Of Primary Breast Cancer Everyone Should Know About

Hello! Breast Cancer is one of the most common cancers. Here are The Types & S...
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Should I Get Checked

I have fibroadenomas in my both breast.My doctor advised me to not have a surger...
Rannyy profile image

My friend is having pain in her left breast.

She's having pain in her left breast since 1 month. Sometimes pain also occurs i...
Therathorex profile image

2 Lumps in left breast

Dear All, This with regard to Lumps in the lest breast in my wife. There are 2 ...
ankity2k profile image

Is it symptoms of cancer or anything else ??

Hi, I am having some guilties in whole the body, once I consulted with a doctor...
Rkumars profile image

My mother has carried out a USG

Doctor, my mother is 50 years old. My mother has carried out a USG on 08/11/2014...
sakshiag profile image

what are symptoms of cancer recurrence ?

Does any one know what are the symptoms of cancer is reoccurring after treatmen...
chandraa profile image

Energy levels will decrease after Radiation?

My mom is saying she use to feel more energy after chemo .But after radiation tr...
chandraa profile image

my wife is having a lump in her left breast, mammography does not confirm cancer, doc advised FNAC which shows suggestive carcinoma breast?

ODEE profile image

Is Circulating Tumour Cells testing useful for detecting micro and macro metastases?

CTC testing is being advertised by Datar Genetics Ltd who claim full diagnostic ...
shubhac profile image

i am 45 female have no children .i am normal but since few day i have too much pain in my left breast and in left arm left neck side

shaam profile image

clear water like discharge from left breast (single duct)

hi, Iam 26 female married and mom of 24 month old. I have never nursed my baby....
Hidden profile image

having pain in my right underarm..just below where underarm starts. !!!!!!!!!!!!!

i am 23 yrs old lives in delhi. ..from yesterday i am feeling pain in my right u...
sabhar profile image

Early detection of breast cancer explained in a lucid manner.

The following is a link to the site of IARC (International Agency for Research o...
sumeet_shah profile image

at the age of 18 secretion of white fluid from nipples on squeezing it and little pain in that it dangerous?is it related to cancer?

abhilashDe profile image

what are the symptoms?

tanyapatel profile image

im 27yo.i have a small lump in my breast since 7yrs.suddenly it started pain in shoulder,had done usg n fnac

it was just benign.sometimes it pains in hand.n sometimes at back.dont know why?...
profar profile image

I suffer from Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome. Does this increase my chances of developing breast cancer????

creativerose profile image

i m suffering from pain in my left breast

i am suffering from pain in my left breast. from last 7 8 days.... if i press my...
prabhnaaj19 profile image

One of my friends, a 32 years old lady, has some pain in breast before menses. Should she undergo a mammography?

HelpingHand profile image

I noticed my breasts are very tender, and I can't tell if it's my period or a large lump. Help?

Hidden profile image

How are you meant to check your breasts and how often?

barnes profile image
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