Hi there, been really struggling with intense anxiety because of symptoms of OAB for well over a year, and have had to have CBT/increase in antidepressants and an extra antidepressant/hypnotherapy as I'm so incredibly anxious about wetting myself. There are ups and downs but generally I get anxious leaving the house/being in the car for longer than 30 mins/being too far from a toilet.
Sometimes the anxiety is more manageable and I can enjoy being out but when the anxiety gets really high I get in a vicious cycle of increased symptoms (really strong urge to pee/pressure in bladder and vagina/feeling like I'm going to wet myself/occasional small leakage) then increased anxiety.
Currently coming off Fluoxetine (had been on max dose) as my doctor thinks Sertraline might be better at helping the anxiety but unsurprisingly this has meant the anxiety/depression/OAB symptoms have got much worse.
Seen on a few posts here that pumpkin seed oil/extract can be good for OAB, so have looked into it but very confused about what dose is best, whether oil or extract is better, if all oils/extracts are water soluble (seems that increases effectiveness?) Also seen one article/study that said it may be bad for OAB as it can increase urination/OAB symptoms.
Started on 25mg of Mirabegron per day a couple of weeks ago but no improvement yet.
Any advice would be so appreciated, thankyou.