MichaelJH - An Update: As many of you... - British Heart Fou...

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MichaelJH - An Update

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star
20 Replies

As many of you will know I have been fighting an issue with macerated wounds on my remaining foot for a year. It is relevant to the forum as I have underlying severe PAD (Peripheral Arterial Disease), a circulatory condition. It all started after I a suffered a nasty bout of the Delta variant of the unmentionable resulting in Unmentionable Toe and micro-clots. I have been referred to the Foot Clinic five times and discharged four only to be referred again by Podiatry a short time later. I attend Podiatry for weekly dressings. Although inconvenient I prefer this to a district nurse having experienced inappropriate dressings. with them.

Finally I have got an MRI scan next week as the ultrasound last August was inconclusive as the areas with dressings in the way were not scanned, the wounds having extended to my lower leg at that time due to a pseudomonas infection.. Currently I am on my third different antibiotic, Co-trimoxazole, which has quite unpleasant side effects. It was looking slightly better today, but still very nasty, after a change to silver dressings from the previous iodine dressings. It gets quite confusing as different consultants have different opinions and different podiatrists different views on the right dressing.

With suspected PTSD, frequent bouts of phantom pain and the constant threat of becoming a bi-lateral amputee I am not in a good place suffering disturbed sleep and recurrent nightmares!

I could post a picture but a few friends have said it is quite nauseating. Let me know if you want to see what PAD can do.,

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MichaelJH profile image
Heart Star
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20 Replies
Silvertail profile image

I'm so sorry to hear you are having so much trouble, Michael. I can't say anything that would help you, but please know that I am thinking of you and praying that you have improvement very soon. Take care, Sandy xx

Valentina98 profile image

Oh Michael, I'm sorry you've been suffering sending all my love ❤️

V x

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star

So sorry to hear what a really hard time you are having, I just hope you have some good news very soon.

lettingoffsteam profile image

Hi Michael, I'm so sorry that this infection is persisting. It must be so frustrating for you and painful too.How is your stump now because I remember that causing you alot of problems? Have you had any help with the PTSD? Thinking of you.

Russelljack profile image

Hi Michael, I'm so sorry that you are suffering mentally and physically and wish you all the very best for the future, love and peace to you ❤️

Lowerfield_no_more profile image

I'm very sorry to hear your tale of woe. Hopefully the change of treatment you mention will improve matters for. you. All the best to you

Platypus6 profile image

so sorry to hear of your suffering Michael I hope things improve for you! Sending you best wishes x

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Michael, I am so sorry you are still facing such difficulties. We miss you on the forum.

I hope your new treatment regime helps.

I was diagnosed with PTSD about 5 years ago. Then because of the unmentionable the waiting times for treatment have increased even further.

You have to be patient being a patient!

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

I am so sorry to read what you are going through and I also hope that the new treatment will help you :-) x

Thanksnhs profile image

Hi I am so sorry to hear of your continuing problems they sound awful, it must be terrible to be in constant pain. I really hope they can get the infection cleared soon no wonder you feel so down. Take care we are all thinking about you. Char x

Alison_L profile image

Oh, Michael, thank you for the update, and so sorry to hear that things aren't going as well as you might expect. I hope the podiatrists and consultants manage to find something to make an improvement soon xx

Deejay62 profile image

Hi Michael I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. I hope the new treatment works, and I wish you all the best. Keep fighting Michael. Best wishes Diane

isobelhannah18 profile image

I'm so sorry you're having such a miserable time. I really hope things start to improve soon.

Weetabixie profile image

Hi MichaelJH, it sounds like a really difficult time you're going through. Sorry to hear how bad things are, hopefully the silver dressing will fight off the infection better than the iodine. I hope and pray things improve for you as quickly as possible 🤞🙏.

Smitty1956 profile image

Hi, Michael,

I am so sorry that you have been and are continuing to go through so much suffering and hurt. Sadly, this has all happened through no fault of your own. I say this because how could you have avoided getting the Delta variant that resulted in other long-lasting health problems? You, and so many others, have suffered greatly with this.

I believe that you likely feel overwhelmed by it all each and every day. For all of that, I am very sorry. It has not been fair to you.

Sometimes, even if our own burdens and problems are actually much smaller than yours, I think that we may also feel overwhelmed and that our life may be unfair. I have felt that way a few times during the two years since my HA. Not just because of the HA—there are always other things going on as well.

I wish that I could say or do something that might help in some way—but, I’m not profound, and some days, I can’t even help myself. If it can help to say that I care about you and that I want for you to feel better and stronger, then you have that. I don’t know you personally, but I do care about you and how your life is going.

I hope that the new testing and the new type of dressings do help. Can you get counseling help for the PTSD and insomnia? That might help some. I often have problems with going to sleep, so I am trying to watch much less television, and I am reading much more. The act of reading helps take my mind off of other things, and I can try to focus just on the story. When I get really tired, I can just drift off to sleep. I borrow books for free electronically from the public library.

Please take care and know that many people are wishing you the best! ❤️

JeremiahObadiah profile image

You have so much to cope with mentally and physically and you deserve as much help and medical attention as possible. Sadly that doesn’t seem to amount to much with resources as stretched as they are.

I send you my best wishes and hope that you get some effective solutions and beneficial treatments as soon as possible.

cappachina profile image

Dear Michael I am so sorry to hear this and just to say I will be praying for you to improve

080311 profile image

So sorry to read about your continuing battles. You have been through so much, I hope this change to silver dressings does the trick.

Best wishes Pauline

HHH2017 profile image

Oh Michael, you must be so fed up & totally exhausted with all the issues and difficulties you've been through.

I'm not surprised to hear about the ptsd, being an amputee must be a devastating situation to recover from. I hope having this recognised leads to some useful support at least.

Keep talking and asking questions, you should be getting outstanding treatment so I hope you have the strength & energy to fight for this. 🙏🏼 you are an inspiration to us all.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Good adternoon all! Many thanks for the kind and thoughtful replies. I will try and respond to a few either later today or tomorrow. My head is not in a good place as the my current anti-biotic is causing dehydration and a muggy head despite drinking like a camel preparing for a desert crossing.

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