Posts - Autism Support | HealthUnlocked

Autism Support

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All posts for March 2022

Supporting autistic friend in Kyiv

I have a friend that I met online who lives in Kyiv/Kiev. He rarely went outside...
edenuk profile image

Getting harder to cope with meltdowns

I’m autistic and it feels like it’s getting harder for me to cope with my meltdo...
88cev88 profile image

If you struggle with sensory sensitivity, especially sensitivity to light are there things that you have found that help you?

I struggle with driving at night, car headlights and flashing lights. I wear sun...
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Private autism referal

Hi, I was put on a waiting list of an autism diagnosis however it’s a year long ...

Specialist support for autism

Hi I am looking for professional support worker to work with my son , has autism...
Porbander profile image