Hello everyone,
Thought I`d take this chance to explain why I`ve been missing for over the last two weeks or so.
I had the Doctor visit me at home and after he examined me he arranged for an ambulance to take me direct to hospital
Dizziness, vomiting, balance disorder, vision disorder, double vision etc, etc.........
Can`t remember much of anything of the first two days in hospital and much less of the next three days really.
I was released from hospital on Friday 26th at 1900 hours - 7.pm (admitted on the 16th).
After numerous scans of the head, body etc and loads of different tablets - some of which made me feel even worse my condition worsened. I was sweating like an open water tap.
But, the wonder of medicine did it`s job and with the constant and never ending care of the "Wonderful Nurses" I`m back to fight another day.
I can not thank them high enough, I can not praise them high enough, saying thank you does not seem enough. So I`ve sent them a sent a special something which they will receive on Monday A.M. along with a large box of choccies
They really are Angels.