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Lung Conditions Community Forum

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All posts for May 2014

Can you tell me what sob means ? I must be thick cause I cant work it out

Help ???
lilysausage profile image

Help please, GP Says I seem to need to be Over treated, too much thyroxine, to keep my T3 in the normal range. I have just had a weekend ccu

For atrial fibrillation. They say for being over treated 0.04 tsh. Need help.
tavy profile image


Really fed up of my breathing going down..Feel absolutely awful,lungs expanded a...
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hiya has anyone been on the active list for a lung transplant and have they filled a 1500 form in

chrissyk profile image

is bronchiolitis and bronchiolitis obliterans the same disease?.

my son has bronchiolitis obliterans and his letter for the dwp said he had bronc...
krupinskii profile image

Good morning all,been on ab's and steroids for the last 6 weeks for copd,and waiting to have spirometry test done in a couple of weeks,

im still spitting up small amounts of sputum,is this the norm,will this be whats...
christyne profile image

This illness is getting harder to deal with please help!!!

Was diagnosed eventually with copd (emphysema) 2011 then few months later asthma...
lizzy67 profile image

COPD Trials

Good morning everyone just wanted to share I'm taking part in more copd trials ....
pepparuby1 profile image

Any one with Asama smoking E-Cigs

bobz profile image

Hi I've just been diagnosed with COPD lung function 78%. I've never smoked, never worked in dusty places.

Had my first ever chest infection this year. Never suffered from a bad chest bef...
Hidden profile image

Firework, hi I have just been put on oxygen long term, does anyone know where I can get oxygen that looks like a shoulder bag, so that when

I go out socially I don't have to take the HHS bulky one.
firework profile image

Hi I'm firework, I have just been told I am going on oxygen long term,I have emphysema does anybody know where I can get oxygen ,it looks .

Like a shoulder bag, so that if I go out socially I don't have to take the bulky...
firework profile image

Does anybody know what oxygen levels have to be to go on long term oxygen

Michelle12120 profile image

Does anyone else get foot cramps and fingers locking /cramps on steriods.

Hidden profile image

Does anyone have prednisolone steroids and why ? Mine 5 mg take 6 daily was not told why or what I have them for many thanks

Glitzdevil profile image

How all does any one take Daxas 500 and does it help them thanks

JosieNeg profile image

When I bent down today

I got this feeling as if my ribs and something else had crossed over each other....
Suzy6 profile image

Anyone else having problems with p.I.p seems if they can't see it they are unsure what to do about claim. Have had face to face over a month

Given hospital notes for bronchiolitis. Meant to hear in three weeks but it's no...
Hidden profile image

I don't know what stage emphysema I have and want to prepare for doctor, I struggle with any exertion get so panting need spiriva thanks

So confused got I really need to prepare for asking my doctor for direct answers...
Glitzdevil profile image

When you have an " i hate my job day "

( even if you're retired you sometimes have days l...
tigerhouse profile image

Answer if possible. Please

Can anyone tell me why after x ray the radiologist said I should see a consultan...
lynisa48 profile image

Hi everyone, I have been attending physio for severe neck problems.

I have cervical spondylosis which has always been manageable until the last few ...
huggs profile image

Seriously I was.

Then I opened the curtains, rain wind cold. Back in bed now with a cuppa.
Suzy6 profile image

For the LIFE of me a can' t understand

Why a FEV 3.57 is normal and my peak expiratory flow of 461 mean A like to thi...
Hidden profile image

When adviced by copd team to use neb 4 times daily roughly how long after discharge from hospital do you continue for before reducing 2 neb

Then 2 ventolin evohale. Falcon1
falcon1 profile image

Have been reading with interest answers to Hollybobs questions re Bronch. Four weeks now since broke my sternum. Have managed modified physi

o as too painful to do strenuous huffing and puffing. My question is I have hard...
Hidden profile image

I have this pain on my left upper quadrant it started last night. Every time I take a deep breath I feel like I'm getting stabbed especially

If I am laying in bed and it won't let me sleep what can this be?
Shunelly profile image

MedicAid Freeway portable nebuliser looking for a home

I have a MedicAid Freeway portable nebuliser compressor that hasn't been used fo...
RobinaM profile image

I have been diagnosed with copd last week is there any foods or beverages that I should not eat or drink

shaborn profile image

what I can and cannot eat or drink with copd r

shaborn profile image