Olympic Legacy: As the 2012 Olympics... - Lung Conditions C...

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Olympic Legacy

14 Replies

As the 2012 Olympics draw to a close it is closing in on the time when the legacy of sport for all begins the time for avoiding "death by armchair" (derrylynne) message is telling us that we must get up and do something, so what are you going to choose ?

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14 Replies

I've already chosen have been, still am and always will, definately not 'death by armchair'

How about you? What are you going to choose?

libbygood profile image

I'm on a window cleaning mission at the moment - we have quite a few windows so by the time I've done the last one it's time to start again, I refuse to be 'death by armchair', put the television on at 5pm when we're having our 'pre - evening meal' drink (best time of the day!!)

Sometimes I do just feel like sitting and doing nothing, but I make myself get up and clean another window ! (Sitting down to write this but it is coffee time)

Libby x

annanother profile image

For me the raised flower beds and greenhouse are my training area doing a little at a time gives me some wonderful results along with healthy home grown tomatoes. If they make potting an Olympic sport the I will be there with my dibber ready for the worlds best. Hope they are not drug testing though as quite a few of the meds could be performance enhancing ( even your coffee libbygood haha)

pollyjj profile image

Many days I don't do a lot other than just potter about and keep reasonably tidy, but then yesterday I felt brill and did 3 hours in the garden, cutting a giant bush down and then cut it all up to go into the green wheelie bin. I was really chuffed with myself that I had been able to do it.

Today, got up late and am still sat here thinking about the ironing I have yet to do.

Different day, different energy levels.

Do what you can when you can and push yourself just that tiny bit, if you can.


Lynne1955 profile image

I have a full sized allotment where I get in about 10 - 12 hours quite hard work a week. I also garden at home and try to do my Wii Fit every day (yoga and aerobic exercises).

Like Libbygood, I also look forward to my pre-dinner glass of wine at about 6 whilst watching the news, then it's time to cook (we love cooking, so it's a pleasure for us). Then we relax.


I swam a kilometre on Thursday. 40 lengths of the pool, I managed 35 a couple of days earlier. Ok so it took me 50 minutes but I was delighted. I'm hoping my gym membership will have come through when I get back to work. I hope to swim a bit more but also use the exercise bike and treadmill.

I need to increase the condition of my body but also lose weight to be assessed for transplant.

Whilst I could never achieve what's Olympians have its all about setting personal goals in my view and trying to push yourself a little bit to achieve them and then exceed them.

Marie x

Gordon57 profile image

I managed to avoid the Olympics, apart from a little bit of tennis when visiting my Dad and some updates on the main news programmes.

I seem to be getting some exercise between my main computer chair and my armchair, with the laptop - which is where I spend short breaks. Someone said it's bad sitting at the PC for hours on end, a good job I have a laptop as well then... ;-)

We used to have a lavatera bush at the bottom of our garden. Every year, about this time, I would start hacking it back as it always grew to be a beast. It would take me many days of popping out and doing a bit as I found the dust it created a bit annoying, so wore a mask but that slowed me down a little. I would fill 4-5 green wheelie bins with cut-up bits by the time I'd finished, over about 8-9 weeks usually.

A couple of years ago I started to saw away one of the bigger branches it had sprouted by now, perhaps 9 inches thick, and it snapped - half the bush lifted from the ground, I had to get out of the way quickly, and it fell in a heap. Because it then started to decay, sending a nasty black core through the rest of the bush I found, I had to cut it up even faster and take some to the tip.

I don't think I miss it now - thinking back to how long it took to prune each year...

iamu profile image

Ha - breathing....

in reply to iamu

Smiling keeps those feel good enzymes active after a good lung work out laughing :)

amagran profile image

this thread has made me think that maybe i am not doing my best for richard.

sassy59 profile image
sassy59 in reply to amagran

Hi amagran, as one carer to another, believe me, you are doing just great for Richard. I have to try and tie Pete to the armchair (no, not what you are thinking either!) and get him to stop before he makes himself ill sometimes. Due to the sarc he has no idea when his body is saying stop. We can only do our best and keep everything running smoothly. You stay well and good health to Richard too. sassy59 xxxxx

I live on my own and find it hard to motivate myself. However I love pottering in the garden and have grown a few bits and bobs of vegetables in pots. I have a Star Jasmine in the garden and the smell is just so intoxicating I could live in it.

I am hoping that when I go for the therapy (October) I will set myself a good example and get off my back side. I have loved the Olympics thought not a sports person and will miss watching them. :)

brujapatsy profile image

i try a swim most days

i can still do a bit of housework ,wash a floor or iron a few bits .

i walk the length of the market once a week

i would like to do more but i am waiting for a knee replacement op

and so this limilts me for walking far

i am planning to get the Wii st up and try that for excersises

now i feel worn out writing all that down lol

BLF Active are VERY impressed with your level of activity, gardening, window cleaning are all good ways to keep active. You are all an inspiration to others!

If you want to know more about keeping active:

- find a specialist respiratory instructor near you:


- log onto


to find more ways to get active

- call the BLF Helpline (03000 030 555)

Keep it up everyone!

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