can doxycycline make you feel tearful?
Doxycycline: can doxycycline make you... - Lung Conditions C...

They've not made me tearful.probably yr feeling low if u have an infection
Hi Fruityface. I think that it can affect people in that way. Everyone is different so most suffer the upset stomach etc, but anxiety, crying can happen. If you get worse with your mood then you must get a different med.
I think it's quite likely. Doxy if very strong and it affects people in different ways. I was talking to a lady yesterday who said it made her feel totally spaced out and not with it.
Hi, I take Doxy no real problems, but can give headache or feeling sick, maybe that is causing depression. Hope you are OK soon.
hi, yes I read an article recently that linked Doxycyclene with feelings of depression
We are all different and what might affect one person might not affect another. I don’t have a problem with doxcycline . Speak to your doctor if you are worried. I hope you feel better soon. It’s not nice to feel tearful.
Doxy has never made me feel like that but can understand if you are feeling poorly you might get teary. Hope you get better soon x
Hi I’ve been on it a long time and have never found that. Maybe you are going through a phase of depression.
I’ve have Doxycycline as my rescue pack so have had it several times. I can’t say it has made me tearful but I had a course 2 weeks ago & for the first time ever it totally spaced me out. Also can get indigestion with it. Hoping it passes quickly.
your have to sit up right for half an hour after taking so you don't get an upset stomach says in information supplied with doxycycline
Thankyou for all your caring replies. I think doxy is an antibiotic that has side effects which are only just coming into the public domain. Going to see about another type of antibiotic - trouble is amoxicillin caused me headaches last time I had it - what does anyone else have?
I have found doxycycline extremely helpful at beating infections. However the first time it was prescribed gp warned me it was likely to make me actually feel worse! He was right BUT it did knock the infection on the head.
Also it is extremely common when having a bad infection to feel low and tearful. You aren’t well and that will make anyone feel bad. No reason to think things won’t improve as you get better.
I think when we are unwell our emotions are all over the place I myself get very tearfull mainly because I don't want ta feel like that plus with getting older I think I'm more sensitive
I think that each of us can only find out by trial and error what suits us. The most effective antibiotics are the ones most likely to cause upsets.
Yes I'm pretty certain that Doxycycline can make you weepy!!! I didn't know what was making me so tearful...felt really daft ...crying over very little and finally realised it was the meds!!!
I don't think so, however prednisolone (steroids in geneal) can...and can cause all kinds of things.... ive dragged my partner round the house looking for the "burning" in the end she looked at me like I needed a straight jacket and we realised it was "just me" (caused by prednisolone)
The second time it happened she refused to follow me around the house.... there was no fire, it was about 6 years ago and we are still here.