Hi , does anyone suffer with continual thrush ,although i rince my mouth out after inhailer ,and keep getting meds like nystan and tablets from gp the meds help but does not clear it ,mine is on back of tounge ,I'm wondering if the Azithromycin I take three times a week is the culprit so fed up with it as it make me cough more than usual, I will be glad of any ideas
Thrush : Hi , does anyone suffer with... - Lung Conditions C...

I used to a few years ago. It was on my tongue and the inside of my cheeks. I did all the usual things, the Nystan, tablets, swilling my mouth after I’d used my inhalers. I had 2 teeth out at the dental hospital, where they noticed I had a lump on the side of my tongue. I had it removed, which was extremely painful, but I haven’t had thrush since then. Not sure if they’re related.
Ooooh so uncomfortable isn’t it ?
I don’t usually get it on usual 3 Azithromycin a week but I do get it when other antibiotics are added on to manage infections on top + steroids.
So what I do is over that time is
Carry on rinsing and spitting after taking inhalers
Get with the probioticsUse Acidophilus daily without fail. 2 good portions of yogurt or kefir a day.
Use Nystan oral ( need a prescription) if need be.
Clean toothbrushes dentures etc in 50/50 white vinegar/water once a week.
Hope you get it sorted soon.
Go well
Hi Alice. I too suffer from oral thrush due to my inhaler. I get floconazole. I find it clears it up really quickly. Hope you get relief soon 😊
I dont just rinse, I gargle with water twice. Sugars and dairy products make thrush worse. It doesnt like vinegar!
Many years ago my lovely GP always prescribed a course of acidophilus to take after a course of antibiotics. Another told more recently me sugar feeds candida/ thrush & to eat plentyof plain live yogurttoo, I eliminated sugar as much as possible and have never had oral thrush since, still have a low sugar diet to this day along with live yogurt in breakfast (I also avoid chappy mass produced food but that's another story )
I love this forum. I now know about white vinegar for toothbrushes. I usually put them in the dishwasher and change every three months more frequently if I've been unwell
agree with all above. Thrush loves / thrives on sugar it’s important to cut it out completely when your suffering from it. Plus mouth rinsing/ probiotics/ and plenty of live yoghurt.
Hope it settles .. I’ve had it in the past.. it drags you down .. it’s horrible
Used to always get thrush in the mouth and down below, whenever I had antibiotics. Mouth ulcers as well. But since getting rid of Black Mould in our bathroom, I don't get chest infections, so no antibiotics. I was put on arthromycin years ago, and they gave me a terrible sore mouth, so stopped that straightaway. Also, I found out that NSaid's such as Ibrabrufen, and an inclusion in toothpaste, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate, can cause mouth ulcers. So, by steering clear of antibiotics, NSaid's and SLS, I generally avoid a sore mouth.
However, recently I was diagnosed with having an infection in my stomach with a bug, Helicobacter Pylori. This bug can cause stomach ulcers, and knock ones vitamin B12 in your blood, causing anaemia. This caused me to have a red sore mouth. I was put on Nystan, which helped, but also vitamin B12 tablets, which I think helped more. Just waiting for a blood test to see if I've been sorted. I was put on two antibiotics for a week, to sort out the bug, and my Lanzaprozole effectively increased fourfold for a fortnight.
Luckily I have no mold in bathroom at moment I've tried all gp meds going to try antiseptic gargle
Mould can form anywhere water is leaking, so other than the bathroom, roof and kitchen. We didn't know we had mould until the bath and the floor tiles were removed. Seventy percent of the floor was covered with black mould, hiding out of sight, and was due to a leak in the bath's drain. The whole of the floor boarding was changed. All I'm saying, how do you know you haven't got mould, as it is often out of sight.
hi Alice. I had a very sore tongue for a long time until I realised why and started to use my spacer. I’ve been fine since.
I found that rinsing wasn't enough - I needed to gargle as well to get the back of my mouth.
Yes I need to gaggle as it is at back of tounge ,I'm going to try corsordyl
I used to suffer from oral thrush a lot and mentioned it in passing to my doctor. She told me to try rinsing with water and then gargle with corsodyl once I had finished using the water. I have never had it since.
Do you use corsodyl neat or with water
I use corsodyl neat after I’ve used water to swill the mouth out. I take 2 puffs twice a day so once finished with swilling each puff with water I use the corsodyl and just swill it round the mouth like water for about 30 seconds. Hope it works for you.
I used to suffer with thrush but I now gargle with a solution of water with a teaspoonful of apple cider vinegar, I’ve been free of thrush ever since.
I do. Dry mouth, ulcers, sore spots, thrush. I rinse out my mouth and gargle after using the inhaler. Maybe its the medication I take though
I suffered badly despite gargling with water after inhalers. I thought I had recurrent toothache at first but my dentist ruled dental problems out.
I now gargle with Chlorhexidine every morning and (touch wood) haven’t had an attack of thrush for a few months.
I buy the generic chlorhexidine from Home Bargains, or Asda if they’re out of stock. I found the ones that are 0.2% Chlorhexidine Diglucobate the best.
Hope that helps - I feel your pain.
I get a lot of thrush and always rinse with salt water as apparently this kills the fungus. If it is bad I mix a few drops of Clove oil in coconut or olive oil, swill round my mouth and spit out. Be careful with clove oil as it can burn inside your mouth if too strong.