The Peacock was painted by a neighbour, the same neighbour who I have posted her bird art before. The Kingfisher I painted. 1st time ever. My neighbour is a waterclour artist, Igave her some acrylic and this was her first attemt, pretty good I though.
Two Birds.: The Peacock was painted by... - Lung Conditions C...
Two Birds.

The birds are beautifully but I love the peacock.
The peacock is STUNNING!!!
👍👍 Absolutely Superb Ern,I love the amazing colours & beauty of your wonderful paintings, so calming & tranquilising, you are indeed very artistic & gifted Ern... Thank you 💕 Primrose 123...xx(Maria) 😊
I can picture that peacock painted onto a Chinese vase at hundreds of thousands of pounds. I think they look lovely together. I especially like how you've painted the backgrounds.
Thank you David - To be honest the Peacock a watercolur artist who lives near me painted the peacock. I rooted through my files for the best Kingfisher i painted,
Both really good Ern. Both birds are colourful and well done. Your neighbour is talented. Xxx❤️
Love these Ern but yr kingfisher gets my vote.the peacock is gd though xxx
Thank you Pat - Was a change. xxx
I've just revisited yr paintings,they brighten up the forum.youve a real talent with eyes - on animals too.bring them to life x
Your different treatment of birds on branches against a pale blue background, is interesting. You go for minimalist realism while your neighbour prefers more complex fantasy.
Both extremely excellent examples. I love the beautiful colours in these birds., they are beautiful creatures and these paintings definitely do them justice. Excellent and many thanks for sharing Ern.
Take care
Wendy xx
You must be really happy to have a neighbour you can talk art to and exchange ideas. 🤗 both birds are gorgeous in there own right. I do love the peacock😉But kingfishers are my 3 rd fav bird.
Hugs Dawn 🤗
Thank you smilesalot - Yes neigbours are good, I have posted this lady's art once before, she is a watercolour artist although she now tries acrylic. . Peacocks are very showy, we once lived about three miles from some and we could here them in the evening. I now have to think for my next painting soon Lancashire Hugs for you..
Beautiful Ern. We have Kingfishers on our village lake. They are so special and a privilege to get a glimpse of. xx
Both brilliant paintings Ern but I prefer yours. Love the cheeky look on his face. While you're thinking of your next painting, I would love to see a painting of your dog. I think you have one? ❤️😊 xxx
Thank you Nula2 -No we don.thave a dog. sinse being an adult, they seem to like to bite me. We have a couple of cats I could try after some practice to see if I can do one. xxx
Oh I'll look forward to that. You must be tasty if they want to bite you 🐕😅xxx
Both are lovely and I think your first attempt at a kingfisher is very good. The peacock is very beautiful.
Both the paintings are lovely in their contrasting ways. What a talented pair of neighbours. Chris xxx