Splat...There Goes Another One... - Lung Conditions C...

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Splat...There Goes Another One...

18 Replies

Splat...there goes another one...we have a fly swatter...it's awfully good...very satisfying to squelch yet another fly on the window until the sun shines through and all the yucky bits show up so clearly...

Time I think, to get the dreadful sticky strips out...some days they have to be changed for a new one by tea time...laden down with fat black flies who've had their feets in cow pats and such like...can't be doing with them...can't tolerate flies at all especially when there's a persistent one that will keep settling on your head while you're trying to read or lands just beside your hand when you're eating your supper...flap at it and it flies away...to re-emerge seconds later.

I'm always fascinated by descriptions of bodies found after days left unattended...the pathologist person can tell how long the person has been expired by the growth and development of the maggots and flies which have landed on the corpse...soft tissues, such as the eyes, are the first to go...in that respect, flies are brilliant at their task of removing the remains of animals...and humans. Rather like advanced garbage collectors I suppose...

Magpies, Crows and Jackdaws clear up the residue of road kill...if there's anything left over the flies are there laying their eggs, then the resulting maggots see to the rest. Nature is swift and terribly efficient...

Nowadays maggots are used to clean long standing open ulcers that haven't responded to conventional medication...much as leeches are used for the same reason. It is said that the patient can't feel either the maggots or the leeches nibbling away happily on dead flesh...just the thought gives me the heebie-jeebies.

I'll continue to squash flies with the fly-swatter and hang up strips of sticky tape to catch those I can't squash...and hope the day never comes that a smiley nurse approaches me bearing a pot of maggots...or leeches.

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18 Replies
DozyDormouse profile image

There was an old woman who swallowed a fly.

I don't know why she swallowed the fly.

Perhaps she'll die.

She swallowed the fly to catch the .........

The rest is up to you-splat-kpow. Our fly swat is an electrified tennis raquet. Great fun. More sizzled insects.

Do not tire yourself out

😀 x 🐀

Azure_Sky profile image
Azure_Sky in reply to DozyDormouse

We have one of those raquets, our old dog Sammy was scared of it, but he was very good at catching flies. He was a border collie x labrador. He died in 2010. He was my shadow and I still miss him.

hufferpuffer profile image

Hi Vashti, I'm not fond of flies neither, I once got caught in a friends sticky fly trap it was a nightmare getting it out! ughhhhh I have a large pink swat it's about 10" square and I still miss :D ( oh the buzzin,the buzzing! :D ) Worse than flies is when the bats fly in through the bedroom window and fly around and around...I just hide under the covers!

I use rolled up newspapers. I am very good at it :) x

scorpiolass profile image

Hi Vashti, i don't like flies either, i try and entice them out of the house but if this fails, SPLAT. My yellow plastic B&Q , does a good job of disposal. Have mercy Vashti, corpses, flies and maggots, all before bed time. Gruesome, love Margaret x

in reply to scorpiolass

Sorry...tend to forget it's not everyone who likes 'gruesome' before bedtime...☺☺

CornishBrian profile image

One sure way of keeping flies out of the kitchen is a bucket of fresh horse muck in the sitting room...try it.

Please don't forget the old saying "Eat sh#t, eighty million flies can't be wrong!"

chopsticks profile image

Every year I get Cluster Flies in the attic, I'm on their flight path so I'm told. Haven't had them for a while, but when I do I'll call on the pest control man to come and set off a smoke bomb in the attic, it's quite a site to see them escaping outside. x

CornishBrian profile image

Whats wrong with "shot"...its a typo. How can it be foul language when its a horse?

in reply to CornishBrian

What you ought to have said...'Put a bucket of equine faeces in the sitting room'...that'd have stopped her talking shite so it would...lol☺☺☺

CornishBrian profile image

I went to my daughters for Sunday lunch last week and asked if she had a Sunday newspaper. She told me to get up to date and passed me her i pad with the papers on it. That fly never knew what hit him.

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to CornishBrian

Lol....ipadded to death...lol

CornishBrian profile image
CornishBrian in reply to Jolyn

Wi fli?

Jolyn profile image
Jolyn in reply to CornishBrian

Bahahahhahahahahahahhaha...falling about...lol

coughleigh profile image

Our old dog bullseye has a breath that would knock a buzzard of a tree so I will not be putting horse faeces in the living room lol.oh vashti I hate those strips mum used to use them.like cough I am an expert with the fly swatter.my ipad NOOO .Laughing here hehe. love. mags xx

Azure_Sky profile image

We use a round sticky thing with a sunflower picture on it. Made by Rentokill, It is very effective.

Offcut profile image

I bought a ultra violet fly catcher last year and the bloody thing has not caught one yet?

I'm totally shocked at all of you. I open the door/windows and ask the flies to leave, nicely of course. And they always do :)

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