Not been here for nearly a week and n... - Lung Conditions C...

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Not been here for nearly a week and no ones noticed! Got the 'ump now and am going to sulk in corner. Lol Bev x

16 Replies


16 Replies

Oh Bev, put your petted lip away and come here and get a cuddle (((((Bev))))). I was sure I'd seen you on the new format, but soz if you felt neglected.

It's been horrific for some folk trying to access the site, and a trial to post and comment. But so glad to see you here now :)

Love & Hugs

Sandra x x x

scrobbitty profile image

Hiya Bev, with luck this will post - so just to say we did notice you hadn't been on for a few days but kinda assumed you were having the same probs as the rest of us :) xx You're here now so that's what counts - now about that chocolate ...................... :)

Nice to see you, this is my first day of actually being allowed on and doing something. Felt like the kid looking at all the sweeties in a sweet shop with no money. I just had no clue. Where won't you find a corner? Hugs to you Bev.

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Good to see you too alwayssmiling. Glad you made it back. Am slowly coming out of corner now... :d

Bev x

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phillips1 profile image

Hi Bev

There were so many on the Missing in Action list that it's not surprising you were missed. Everyone is returning in dribs and drabs. Anyway, now you are back, how about making me a nice cup of tea?

Bobby xxx

in reply to phillips1

This drib and drab is back now :)

Would make you a cuppa Bobby but am strickly a coffee person! Sorry :)

Bev xx

in reply to phillips1

:) :) having trouble with my faces....

I feel a bit like you, hypercat!!

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Oh Annie, don't sulk, it doesn't suit you :) You're too positive a person to sulk :)

Sandra x x x

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Aww Annie. If I had been here I would have missed you :d

Bev x

Nice to see you back Bev :d Judy x

Sorry honestly, please forgive me.

love n hugs

julie xx

Hi Bev, nice to see you got here in the end :) My smiley faces are working sometimes and sometimes not - lol makes me want to keep testing them :D :D

anna xxx

mattcass profile image

Hi Bev, I think a lot of us thought were needing a bit time to yourself but I am so glad too see you back, Have a good night. mattcass

Glad to see your post - did wonder if you were OK. with love TAD xx