Dentist: Yet another downside to... - Lung Conditions C...

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8 Replies

Yet another downside to smoking...receding had back tooth out ..Ouch that hurt

8 Replies

Lung Conditions And Toothache And Or Abscesses Infections Defo Don't Go Well Together

Been There Done That Defo Don't Want To Go There Again :O

raptor profile image

Dentist,,,eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek,,,,, :(

raptor profile image
raptor in reply to raptor

jenny the pooch in the pict destroyed my 4 tooth front plate which i had left on the bedside table,,before i had paid for them the wee furry rascal hahahaahhaah :)

Dont talk about dentists, I have had enough of them, and have spent. hundreds of £. All sorts of tales to tell, including the erk who let the drill slip and it went under the tongue. Gave hell over that one.

Oh, not the dentist.... me no likey them. They are all sadists, just waiting to pounce on the unwary....

nanniesue profile image

Has anybody else been told by the dentist that because of Alendrolic Acid tablets that my teeth will have to be taken out at a Dental Hospital? It took all of my courage to go to dentist now I feel even more scared.

Poppin profile image

Uurrgghh dentists, not good not good at all

Hi nanniesue Don't worry just ask for some sedation , I have diazapam from docs it really helps as I suffer with panick attacks I'm sure the hospital. Will give you something but you have to ask for it....let me know how you get on

Regards jenny