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Are you folks getting to see your asthma nurse ?

23 Replies

Hello , I had an annual telephone consultation last year. With the lockdown I realised I wasn't going to be seen .

This year I have not bothered my gp at all but I did fill out an online request because the cold weather has meant I've used up both of my emergency inhalers.

Got ignored , then I was able to press a button which says timed out after a few days . I then got a ...telephone appointment : )

Just got in from shopping and a voicemail tells me my telephone appointment due in a few days is cancelled.

Time for a glass of my homebrew ; )

Edit , apologies. My request to be SEEN was ignored . My inhalers (both types ) were dealt with , ie: I was able to collect them from the chemist.

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23 Replies
twinkly29 profile image

Well that's rubbish.

I think most places are doing phone or video appointments which in theory should be ok - most of the consultation should be about symptoms and peak flows and things which can easily be discussed over the phone. But to keep having things cancelled is not helpful. My thinking is that a surgery that is good will make the new way work. Anywhere that doesn't have a decent phone system is probably not that efficient even with face to face appointments!

My suggestion would be to phone and ask for a GP call back. Say it's to do with asthma and then hopefully they'll give you an appointment.

in reply to twinkly29

I wish I hadn't changed but my old gp is near my work and I lost my job . This one is local. Thanks for the reply by the way . They did say to re book on the phone , they have the longest message ever on their phone , it was difficult last time.

I don't know my gp , it was an asthma nurse telephone appointment , a bit rubbish when I'm in a state currently.

I will request my emergency inhaler and leave it until we can actually go back to attending properly, I can see this causing an argument though.

Be well everyone ; )

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to

That's why I was thinking asking to speak to a GP might be better at the moment - they shouldn't refuse to call someone with asthma issues (you don't need to say beforehand it's issues you've had, that can wait for the GP). Asking a receptionist for meds means they have to get a GP to action it but the GP then doesn't have your recent story (ie had to use more vent so need a new one please!)

in reply to twinkly29

I got my meds thanks , sorry I didn't make that clear , I edited.

I wondered if all surgeries were trying not to see patients. Sounds like a lot are not.

My old surgery was tiny , they let me attend even during the first ' proper ' lockdown ( sudden deafness) I went twice.

If I wasn't laid off I would pay to be seen , painful chest and breathless at night.

I know it's just cold weather and getting older , I usually keep calm and use the blueys . I got some extra ones last year on the internet but I had the money then .

They are two or three times the price but it was winter plus stress regarding my employer at the time looking to crop the work force.

The argument I referred to is when I request blue inhalers and they won't like it but those inhalers are tiny nowadays.

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to

Oh sorry! Glad you've got it. I would hope most surgeries have a decent system by now but sadly maybe some surgeries are less efficient. It may also be that they've had unavoidable issues perhaps?

in reply to twinkly29

They probably have had issues twinkly , it's just being seen which is an issue . First via online request to attend and now via a telephone appointment.

I bet other people are the same unless someone is in an emergency situation.

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to

Yeah it can be a hassle for some people - and while people understand to a point, it doesn't mean that they think ooh great I love this.

Moosarelli profile image
Moosarelli in reply to

I must be lucky with my GP surgery, had my normal annual letter re: asthma and meds review. Had a telephone appointment and to be honest it was just as good as seeing her in person.

In fact she wasn't particularly happy after our chat with the way my asthma was and arranged for me to be reviewed at a respiratory clinic at our local community hospital that afternoon.

Make an appointment with your asthma nurse, especially if you are using your inhalers more.... don't wait!

in reply to Moosarelli

That's good moosarelli x . I need to re book on the phone , groan .. It would be nice if they used email. I'm too fed up currently to do so . Living on my savings and currently freezing , I am sitting on a warm electric blanket though : )

If I did a video thing I would need a breath gauge plus my chest does need listening to at some point.

I may buy a gauge , I see they are cheap and a bit more for digital ones.

It was good the way you were treated by the way , I don't want to rubbish the NHS , just wishing I'd stayed at my previous surgery.

Chip_y2kuk profile image

I had a telephone asthma review on Wednesday..... but I need a medication review and cant get one

in reply to Chip_y2kuk

I just saw this Chip , I simply bought my extra meds last winter but they're not complicated . Hope you get sorted soon .

Edit, they're just emergency and preventer , clenil.

Wheezycat profile image

Hi, I have not seen anyone for over a year now. My last annual review was last April, and someone just rang me and went through a standard questionnaire. She was very nice, and had I needed it I could have had more, but at the time it worked fine, and , like you, I just have kept a low profile because I could. But by last Christmas asthma reality caught up with me and I needed more. I had a GP consultation on the phone, followed up by chatting to different asthma nurses on three occasions. I am still chasing my new asthma action plan - I realised it had not been updated after a significant change of medication last February, and again in March, just in the beginning of the lockdown. So far I haven’t got hold of it, though now apparently it exists. Last I heard it was going to be sent out to me, but it hasn’t happened. Next I do need a more personalised annual review, not a questionnaire as I do have some significant queries about medication, but as everything has settled down again it is not urgent. Personally I don’t want to go in to a surgery unless seriously needed, as that is where people with infections go.

in reply to Wheezycat

I hope you get your plan Wheezy , I don't have a plan but my preventer procedure is simple , I keep my preventer on the stairs so I see it in the morning and at night : )I'm only keeping on a low profile because I lost my job but I have savings . I do have a partner so not alone .

I wish it was just a case of the chemist receiving my inhalers and texting me ,this was how it worked previously, actually it was so efficient it was costing me and I slowed it down : ) I feel awkward asking with the new gp surgery.

That was my previous gp and pharmacy , the automatic system.

Regarding a plan , I know to have my emergency ten times if required , I looked up asthma plans for my two types of inhalers.

I realise yours could be more complicated x

Wheezycat profile image
Wheezycat in reply to

I am sorry to hear about your job! But glad you are not alone in that situation. I am not sure about more complicated, rather I realised I did not have one when I had an attack. I used to be on MART, but since change of medication that is no longer so, in part, I suppose, because Covid started and there has been no opportunity to discuss, nor a need until recently. Now I have to control myself not just to do as I did on MART. Maybe I can go back on it, but I would so much prefer to discuss it and have a mutual agreement, rather than just do it.

Lampeter1995 profile image

I have not had a review for 2 years or so. Our surgery shut and we had to find a new one. Told I would be reviewed at the start of the year and then coronavirus cancelled the appt. I totally understand the cancellation but have heard nothing from them since.

in reply to Lampeter1995

That's bad , look after ourselves , that's the new way . The surgeries will probably not change now . It will be mostly phone calls .

Wheezycat too , thanks for the reply .. : )

Lyngal profile image

My Gp rang me and said my review was due and to come in to see the Asthma nurse I’m guessing I’m one of the lucky ones xx

in reply to Lyngal

Sound good x

twinkly29 profile image

I think sometimes people have to be proactive - if people haven't had a review or have had one (or more) cancelled, they could phone and ask for one. If things are currently ok then it might not be done quickly (and maybe wouldn't have been done quickly before covid) but if things are a concern (either obviously so or in a niggly way) then make that clear - or specifically ask for a GP phone appointment to discuss asthma issues.

I know it's not always easy (as you found!) but equally leaving it gets nowhere - generally speaking I mean, not specifically you Hunny!

in reply to twinkly29

I did make a phone appointment twinkly , it was cancelled , no reason given on a voicemail. I'm just knocked down currently with recent events but give it time . Even the weather is improving down this way : )

twinkly29 profile image
twinkly29 in reply to

Oh I know you did, sorry! Was thinking of others especially anyone reading who might be waiting for it to happen to them if that makes sense.

At least for now you were able to get the important bit sorted too - like you say, other stuff does get in the way.

Lysistrata profile image
LysistrataAdministratorCommunity Ambassador

Hunny I know you're not brand new to it all, but this post may be helpful if you're not getting support from the surgery currently and don't have a formal plan:

It also contains handy links to comprehensive posts on peak flow and action plans.

You may well know some or all of this already, but in case you don't, it may help while you wait to speak to the surgery.

in reply to Lysistrata

I will have a look, thank you.

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