elliew: I've had a look at the IP... - Asthma Community ...

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2 Replies

I've had a look at the IP addresses, and they all point not just to TalkTalk, but to the IP ranges that they inherited when they took over Opal Communications.

Opal was a business-only service, and is now called TalkTalk Business, but their IP ranges could be used by anyone now.

Although Opal/TalkTalk provide mobile Internet, all three IP addresses that elliew uses sepcifically say ""DSL"" in their lookup, which means that they are Internet connections provided through a Digital Subscriber Line - in other words, a telephone landline.

Whilst this doesn't specifically prove that she is lying, it suggests to me that she's accessing the Internet through a static point rather than via a mobile phone, and that static point has the same ISP at all times, which is unlikely if you're in different locations. One to keep an eye on.

2 Replies

Thanks again Steve for the IP info.

Noticed this one initially as saw her profile said south of the same county as myself. Having local knowledge may be useful in this case as I am fairly sure that the particular hospital in that area does *not have* patient line type television/internet access or indeed any patient TV access. Wireless internet for patients only which is quite recent. Not 100% sure of any more details than that.

Original post for reference from Warned/suspended users list:

'elliew is another that manages to post from a ?home IP all Talktalk whilst stating they're in GP on Mar 1st and hospital on Mar 3rd/Mar 22nd with ITU admissions.'

Well she's back again posting from hospital in

the Costa thread here asthma.org.uk/forum/?g=post...

Im still in costa. Over the acute phase, but feeling very fragile and pathetic!

Wish the old dear next to me would realise Im not her personal servant and Im actually ill even though im about fifty years younger than her!! IP:

Off to the docs, again! asthma.org.uk/forum/?g=post...

Well visit to gp didnt go well, ended up with first responder and ambulance to resus. Poor baby doc had fright of her life as I wasnt too bad when I went into her room then had major attack with silent chest and a lovely shade of blue! Never seen so many doctors come running!

Am still in costa,done resus, hdu and am now on respiratory ward. IP:

All reasonable comments but now seems to be posting from hospital BT Public Internet Service/Openreach ADSL not previous Opal/TalkTalk DSL which oddly enough are recent IPs when says posting from home?!

Not sure what is going on here, no time to look into it properly but will keep a watch out.

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