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What Is The Strangest Thing That Sets Your Asthma Off?

41 Replies

Mine Is Lemon Squash! Very Random!!!

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41 Replies

strangly my bf's farts, and lifting heavy things

Lemon squash, lime cordial and most orange squashes set me off as well.


KateMoss profile image

Washing machine catching fire ... or it could have been all those Hunky firemen LOL! (oooops mentioned men in uniform...........)


oh no Kates off again!

I believe the wierdest thing was me collapsing from laughing caused by reading on AUK about all the various people collapsing from coughing caused by laughing too much at Kate's firemen mentions.........

Just going right off the subject but to reply to kate , dont want to upset you but when was in resus the other week had a hunky fireman looking after me in his unifrm!! and they wondered why i was struggling to breath!! am sure wasnt in resp failure till he did my ecg!!!!!!!!!!! cring!!!!!!! by then didnt care was free for all 3 nurses, an sho and cons, 3 student docs and an aneathetist!!

Andrea xxxx

PS red chinese ribs, bbqs, cheap cordial are mine!!!! Bex has explained the sqush thing b4 something to do with an additive?

OK OK enough is enough , quit all this talk about hunky fireman as im missing mine as hes in Spain.

But on those line if he brings his dirty firegear home to wash(no they dont get it done for them!!) then it often causes me problems!

BTW you guys musy be very lucky as there are very few hunky firemen near me!!

Mine's lemon squash too. I also get set off by laughing.

As for the firemen - I work with firemen every day, and most of them are far from hunky!

Please spaniel dont spoil are dreams its what keeps most of us going!! he he

On the subject of laughing its put me in itu vented!!

Mine is vinegar -amongst many others - but vinegar is the strangest one. Just the sight of a vinegar bottle is enough. And as for the smell, - no waaaaaaaay! (get an instant wheezy response)

Sometimes have to walk out of a pub type of restaurant, - why do their vinegar bottles smell stronger than anyone else’s ? -because of this problem. It’s worse than cigarette smoke!

Now men in uniforms...(never white ones though) improve my breathing big-time.

Must be the adrenaline rush!

On the subject of good looking firemen what about good looking ambulance men?

Snap"" Mia!Mine is vinegar -amongst many others - but vinegar is the strangest one. Just the sight of a vinegar bottle is enough. And as for the smell, - no waaaaaaaay! (get an instant wheezy response)Brown sauce (which is vinegar based) has same effect.Derek

I've been slain by a pea on several occasions. T?hey look so small and innocent in thir green naivity, but no, they are death to Becky.

One of the things that's in most squashes that could set you off (and does me) is a benzoate preservative. Only some of the stupidly expensive ones don't have them added.

Now firemen, I want one! It's my turn, I'm sure! ;oP



The garlic factory near me had a very smelly night. Wind must have been blowing the wrong way!Took a couple of days to get over it.

What symptons do you get?

Can't live without garlic. It'd do me in completely if I became allergic to garlic <shudders at the thought>

laughing and singing nursery rymes!!!! (i'm a nursery nurse) set off my asthma and it's so embarassing when I'm singing with the children and have to stop coz I can't catch my breath!!1

Arniemouse profile image

Screen washer fluid is my worst hubby used to have to warn me and had to hold breath not very easy!! Have some ok stuff now.

But on subject of dishy men my last time in got transfered to rbh from local and had a nurse to die for - got a whole two hours to admire. Soooo good looking, blue eyes (swoon), did not do my already very naughty heart rate any good at all. The ambulance men were not much to speak of at all. Just keep me off subject of bums!!!


Funny enough, mine is squash too!! And wine, does anyone else get wheezy after drinking it, if so do you know why?

once set myself off cooking eggs, but that could have been the smoke cloud from burning them, not only did i hack off the whole house but i had to eat burned eggs....

Talking of fireman, I work just up the road from the local fire station and it was wonderful when they were on strike, made you happy to go to work because they were all stood outside the firestation on their picket line :-p hhhhhmmmmmmmmm yummy!!

Back to asthma triggers.................................................!

Candy cough its the addertives and preservatives

Snap"" Derek! ( LOL)

Brown sauce (which is vinegar based) has same effect.

And mayonnaise, coleslaw, tomato ketchup... in short anything that contains vinegar!


Heavy bags Chocolate with nuts in but i ocassionally risk it then go bright red in the face and hot hot weather like our summer last year sooo many attacks and ocassionally stress related!

I went looking at handbags in marks and spencer today and when I went near the real leather bags my chest started to tighten. It was either my asthma

or the price tag £59 lol

Cadburys ""Snow Flake""

one of Prince Charles organic Pickled Eggs

Toothpaste occasionally.

i'd def say laughing - crazy really but it happens!

mine ?

Hazelnuts & those antibacterial cleaner sprays.

The preservative in Boots Co-codamol 8/500, E233, sets me off - the warning was on the side of da box instead of the back of the pack so i missed it. Whoops

Water that is over chlorinated or treated. I have to run a bath and then leave it for a while cos if I get straight in I splatt. We have solved this problem by having a O2 cylinder by the bath so I can neb in the bath if ness. It is one of the few things that even with S/C causes me sudden and dramatic splatts, I can get around pretty much and I am not giving up my baths for anyone, the line has been drawn :) I get don't the the problem when I visit reletives who have a well and don't have mains water. Funnily enough I did not make the connection it was my daughter who worked it out.


Raw onion but cooked onion doesn't seem to bother it.

Paraffin fumes

Mine is onions that seems to set off my asthma.Love Carole x

Mine is onions that seems to set off my asthma.Love Carole x

Info for candycough

Hi candycough. Wine is notorious, especially white wine for increasing asthma symptoms which may only worsen the day after. This is due in part to 'sulphites' which are added in various forms to sterilise the container and prevent bacteria spoiling the wine. Typical chemicals are sodium bisulphite or sodium metabisulphite. Sulphites release sulphur dioxide (another good sterlizing agent) in the prescence of acid - i.e. your stomach. Sulphur dioxide is a broncho-constrictor or a choking gas - really nasty stuff. White wines seem to be worse than reds so does red wine affect you as much. Don't buy cheap plonk & consider organic wine. The only white I drink now is champagne, and never on my own :)

Thanks Dr Who! That is very helpful. I dont like Red so I that doesnt bother me. Do you know what the best alchololic drinks are for asthmatics?

I seem to find that alot of alcohol sets off my asthma including; beer, red wine, white wine, champagne, whisky basically anything coloured, my partner thought it might be something to do with the colourings, anyone think this is possible, some of them also give me stomach probs aswell?

I used to think that alcohol set me off, but then I realised it was the smoke in the pubs. I'm much better now Scotland is smoke free! Seriously, often it is the colourings that can make you wheeze with these things.

The strangest thing that sets my asthma off is symbicort!

lol owl!

Alcohol really gets me, especially red wine. Oh well, it's not like I drink a whole lot of it at 17!


Re alcohol

I did some research on alcohol for a talk I was giving - and the colour does have an effect. The darker the liquid (whiskey, bourbon, red wine etc) the greater number of impurities, and the greater risk of hangover and allergy.

The clear ones - vodka, gin etc, have far less impurities and are generally better.

Of course, anything in large quantities has the potential to be harmful, even the clear stuff!!

Drink sensibly, people.

FLASH cleaning fluid !!

Mum insists on using to much on bathroom floor/toilet floor !!

When I bought her refill yesterday I told her to use a capfull per bucket not her usual bottle full per bucket !!

It stinks and the fumes are horrendous !!

Obviously any of my 19 drug allergies are a killer but also my food allergies and latex allergy + latex fruit syndrome allergy !!

Flash here too, but in particular the lavendar & camomile (however it's spelt), which is so annoying, 'cos I love the smell!

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