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Nice to have contact with asthma sufferers, don't know ayone who has it and its scary

3 Replies

Any information or tips welcome.I get realy puffed out

3 Replies

Glynis I know you are new to computers as well as asthma but please only use capital letters when they need to be used.

I am actually quite worried that your asthma is not well controlled you talk about blue lips which is unless it is something you have been told is OK, needs seeing to ASAP. You talk about being breathless or out of puff, that could be the asthma or could be something else again it needs checking out. If I were you I would make an appointment with your GP tomorrow morning and tell him about the blue lips and being out of puff. In the mean time if your lips go blue and you can not speak or can not complete sentances then you need to go to A&E.

I have no idea if things will get better in the winter for some they do and some they don't.

You PM'd me yesterday I can't reply as you have set your profile not to accept PM's.

Please take care and please get proper medical help because blue lips and being out of puff is not normal and needs sorting ASAP.


<Post title edited to remove caps by passing mod :-)>

Was wondering how you were...


I was just wondering how you were getting along. I have both a heart condition and asthma, and it does get confusing (to both me and my doctors). It took quite a while to sort me out. At least 3 years. Originally I was diagnosed with moderate persistant asthma, but definitely have attacks 3-5 times a year. Then I was diagnosed with reflux as I kept coughing. Then I was sent to a cardiologist who discovered that I had a heart defect and sent me for surgery. By the way I was way more out of breath than I realized, and my heart defect was also causing a cough.

Then I went to start a new job after surgery and it was discovered that I have this thing called a vascular ring, which is very very rare, but it can cause asthma and reflux symptoms! At which point they took me off all my asthma meds (BAD idea). At which point my toe nails started turning blue. Oh yes, the other thing to this was my heart symptoms (ankle swelling and being short of breath) came back while they were still trying to figure out if I had asthma. Couldn't wake up in the morning...very scary....and when I finally saw the right type of cardiologist (the first three told me I was fine but panicing) I had....get this....emergency surgery to get a pacemaker as my heart was pausing for 4-5 seconds at a time, which apparently puts one at risk of dropping dead. They never exactly told me that directly, but instead hinted that my cardiologist would be VERY unhappy if I put off having the surgery. All this to say I am now back on my asthma meds (thank goodness) but I find that my heart and my breathing have to both be working, or I get out of breath and really don't feel well at all.

So please Glynis, go and bug your doctors and don't stop until you are satisfied that they have looked into everything, and you feel better. Sometimes it really takes some persistance and stubborness to get what you need. Maybe you do have asthma, or it's your heart, or both like me. So I hope you're doing all right.


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