Is this an asthma attack? Any advice... - Asthma Community ...

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Is this an asthma attack? Any advice please....

6 Replies

<message removed - see the messageboard T&Cs regarding requesting emergency medical information>

6 Replies
KateMoss profile image

If you are in any doubt call 999! or NHS Direct 0845 46 47

People here can offer guidance but as no one here can see you in the flesh so to speak we cannot offer advice over the interent.

would they be funny if i went to hospital and it was just an attack? I don't like to fuss you see incase its not an attack, would they have been able to give me something to help do you think? i apologise if i sound stupid but i've never been ill in my life and now all of a sudden i seem to have developed something that is having a massive affect on my life :(

KateMoss profile image

No they won't be funny about it!

Asthma is a very serious condition.

don't ever worry about going to hospital if you feel unwell!

Phone NHS Direct! NOW! Or go to A& E!

I've been wary about asking for help before but it really is best to go now and get checked over - if you've not already please go and get checked out!


Please get seen as soon as you can.

Asthma is a very serious condition and nobody will think bad about you getting seen. If you are not well you need to be seen to get the problem sorted.

Please don't make members of the forums worry and go and get this checked out.

tks xx

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