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Kick Asthma holiday west sussex

6 Replies


my 7 year old twins have places on this holiday, I wonder if anyone could tell me a little more about what they will be likely to do? They keep asking me what they'll be doing, think they are a bit anxiuos as it'll be their first holiday without me!



6 Replies

I don't believe the timetable has been finalised yet, but we have a couple of swimming pool sessions booked!

I lead the older kids at West Sussex, but CathBear (who I'm sure will be along in a minute!) is the health pro with the younger ones, and a couple of the other volunteers on the younger holiday (and one of the leaders) are members here too. Tell the twins they'll have a great time, as there is a fantastic group of volunteers on that holiday.

To give you an idea of the sort of things they might be doing, previous holidays have featured craft activities (kite making, t-shirt designing, junk modelling), outdoor activities (treasure hunt, rounders, football), a trip off-site to the seaside or another fun attraction (funfair, aquarium) and much more!

Thanks very much, i'm sure they'll have a great time from what i've read!

if past timetables are anything to go by, they'll be in their element!

Hello! *waves*

Well, PeakSteve has already said the most of it - as yet we have yet to finalise the timetable so I can't add much more (not to mention the pleasant surprise element that we like to keep...!) - but past timetables are pretty reflective of the kind of things we do.

We look forwards to meeting your children and I'm sure they'll have a great time.



I'm one of the holiday leaders on the younger holiday. The timetable is nearly finalised now (still some people to call/email!) but we're not going to give anything away - then there'd be no surprises! As previously said though, earlier timetables are a good indication of the sort of things carried out.

However, if you or your twins have any questions about the holiday in general then feel free to ask and if we can help ease your/their anxiety before the holiday then we'll do our very best.

Are your twins both girls/boys or one of each?

Hi Rachel

My daughter Chloe will be coming on the w Sussex hol and probably wil be one of the eldest in the younger group. If she is im sure she will look out for your 2 if they need a older friend but i doubt they will! She has been on 2 before and absolutely loves her holiday and comes back so full of it that by the time we get home my head aches as she talks non stop, she has done things like swimming kite making, fun park(paultons) team games, quizzes,

loads of craft , rocket making, last night disco, etc etc from what i remember each holiday has a theme too. As well as the fun side she comes back alot more co-operative when it comes to taking her meds as well.

If you twins want to meet someone else who has been before then im sure we can meet as im in Surrey.

Hi all,

Thanks for your replies. James and Luke are now very much looking forward to their 'adventure'. They can't wait to find out what they'll be doing!

Thanks again

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