eatin and wheezing...: hi Anyone else... - Asthma Community ...

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eatin and wheezing...

13 Replies


Anyone else find that after eatin anythin they wheeze for a while. Its nothin too severe just about an hour of wheezin post any meal then it goes as quickly as it starts.

anyone know what causes this. Its not very severe just annoying and coughin clears it for a short while only for it to start bubbling again. As i say it only lasts around an hour or so and goes as quickly as it comes on.

Just wondered if i was the only one this happens to or if there are any others out there? Does tend to be worse if i eat oily fish had mackrel on toast 4 tea which sparked it off again but 30mins later it had stopped witout me takin any meds!? Is it just me bein wierd?

Thanks in advance for replies it worried me at first but just as i was reachin for the ventolin it stopped which i was relieved about but v confuzzeled!! Xxx

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13 Replies

is there a fault that means wen u put up a new post from ur mobile it posts it 3 times!? Not sure why its done that but apologies i only asked it to post once! Xx

hi Kit-kat,

I read your post and just had to reply, becaue it sounds exactly like me, after almost every meal I get a cough, wheezy and get sort of fluid and mucus on my chest, it has been a relativly new issue for me. Unfortunately I have no idea what causes it or why it happens, with meno particular food seems t make it worse that I can tell, would be very interested if anyone does know. But I just thought I would let you know you are not alone.

Libby x

Yes, me too. Been diagnosed with asthma relatively recently, and my main symptoms are coughing, breathlessness and mucus. I, too, have found that after eating I cough for a little while. It's not usually bad enough to use my inhaler but I find it starts with barking coughing and the mucus rattling in my chest, then the mucus gradually loosens and once I manage to clear it, my cough then subsides.

P.S. I'm guessing, but maybe dairy is not good, as it does encourage mucus production anyway. Like I said, I'm guessing........

Yes me too, I get very wheezy and out of breath when I eat bread or anything with wheat in.

When i told my consultant that i had asthma syptoms after eating he sent me for a barium meal, which is where you dont eat for 24 hours and then you swallow this liquid stuff and they see how much of it stays in your stomach and how much comes back up, as they thought i had an acid reflux but this came back negative. he put me on treatment for acid reflux but it didnt make much difference to be honest i dont think it made any! It just gave me another tablet to take.

but it is something asking your Consultants or GP's to consider testing you for becuase it is apparently common for asthmatics to have acid reflux, it is like heart burn or ingestion. And it makes you get asthma symptoms after eating.

Since i been in hospital and come out with controlled asthma i have found that i dont get asthma symptoms after eating so it could also be a sign your asthma is not controlled as well as it could be. So again see your GP would be my advice. Now my only trouble with eating is breathlessness but that is due to my lungs needing time to recover from a bad attack due to asthma running away with me.

Hope that is helpful to some of you.

thanx plumie,

Im already on treatment for GORD i take omeprazole 40mg. Could b my asthma not under control i suppose as its not been under control all yr. Will speak to consultant and community respiratory nurse wen i see them! Thanks again plumie. Xx

I used to love driking Milk when I was younger but had to stop as it does make me wheeze, had one attack when I drank a pint one evening and ended up in A&E. only have it on my cereal or in tea now.

suppose it could be milk ive been drinkin a lot of milk recently tryin deprarately to avoid takin more calcium tablets as i hate them they taste like chalk! Got appointment 4 bone scan as ive been gettin bad back pain and hip pain over last few yrs thats been gettin worse. Thought id increase my intake of calcium. Any suggestions of how to increase dietsw intake witout dairy if this is mucus production id rather avoid that!! Xx

KateMoss profile image

I also get a bit gunked up & tight sometimes after eating.

Dairy free calcium rich foods. Tinned Sardines, makerel, Salmon etc, the ones with the bones in, are a good source of Calcium and also vitamin D which you need to asimilate / absorb the calcium. You must eat the bones though LOL!

Calcium enriched soya milk, Soya yogs etc.

If you really cant stomach the prescribed tablets, you may be able to buy some that taste more pleasant but check they have the same amount of calcium and Vit D / Ergocalciferol etc as your prescribed ones.

Adcal D3 does come in Lemon flavour apparently which must be more pleasant than the tuti fruiti ones which I happily crunch!

Please make sure you take your calcium!!!!

Cant stand bones in fish .... (sqirms at the thought!!!) it takes me ages to maticulously pick them all out!!! Soya milk the way forwards then lol!!!!

Also didnt know ADCAL D3 came in flavours the stingy people at my hospital only give you the plain chalk tablets - not pleasnt.... new found energy to get some flavoured ones now - maybe then i may actual take them properly - really know the importance just cant stomach the chalky taste!!!!

Gonna see my GP next week and ask about them.. Thanks for that kate.

lv kitkat Xx

KateMoss profile image

Try mashing the fish, It then hides the bones plus the canning process actually softens them, not like uncanned fish where they are spikey! LOL!

You could make a fish paste by adding something like Mayo or nat yoghurt.

try sardines in tomato sauce ???

Good luck!


always buy tinned fish and sardines in tomato sauce but stil squirm at the bits of spine in them if i mash em up i squirm lots and lots if i get a tiny bit in my mouth-im just wierd i no but its the gritty bits i cant handle! :-% Xx

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