Don't know how much more stress I can... - Asthma Community ...

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Don't know how much more stress I can cope with ...

11 Replies

Not only have I been unable to work for 8 weeks after having the worst asthma attack in my life, got told I nearly died during it, work not allowing me back until I am 100% fit and low n behold I get a letter off them today saying that they are terminating my employment with them due to being sick!!! Merry Christmas eh?

So today I've had to spend over an hour on the phone with the benefits office to sort out contributory sick allowance as I'm still not well enough to work. I've really had about as much as I can cope with.

I'm so sorry to rant but my stress levels are through the roof today now and I'm still not sleeping cos of my breathing ... I've had enough :'(

11 Replies

massive hugs to you moomoo, hope things start looking up for you soon!!!


U gotta keep the chin up. Things will sort them self out.... When I lost my job I was uPset , angry and annoyed. ...... Now I don't work I realise that work done me a favour no more worry about sick time !!!! Money tight but u learn to coPe

Oh god, what a massive pain - I can't imagine the stress you're feeling, but I have a vague idea.

Did your employer know you were asthmatic? They might be sacking you unfairly - it's worth getting a bit of advice on this from someone that knows employment law. Acas might be worth approaching:

Anywho, have a bucket of sympathy, and a big cup of shove-it-up-their-backsides.


angievere profile image

Oh that's awful - really mean of an employer to do that just before Christmas. I hope u get things sorted out. xx

That is horrible. Hugs from me too.

I'm afraid I don't know much about the legal side of this but I get the impression that they are supposed to make reasonable adjustments before firing you. I'm with queerpup that you ought to get some advice on this (CAB?)

Hope things do look up for you soon.


Really sorry to hear this but on a plus it has helped me a bit. I lost my job/career because of asthma but the company kept me on in a admin role whilst they find something more suitable.

I have been finding this really hard to cope with the stress but kept being reminded I had a job. Seeing your post really has reminded I'm lucky.

Does not make you feel any better sorry for that, all I can say is fight it in the courts as much as you can my cons has told me uncontrolled/serve asthma is a disability. They can not count sick in the same way for a disabled person what every the disability.

HUGS for Christmas and some answers. Hope for the new year.

Aww sorry to hear that you lost your job,

not nice just before christmas.

Hope the New year brings you a better year in health and may be a new job and work out

for the best for you ,Big hugs and have a lovely Christmas xxxx

yaf_user681_5593 profile image

Hey Moomoo,

That's terrible news, and even worse that it's making you so stressed. The stress is the worst thing for the asthma too so that needs to be sorted out. Maybe try some meditation/breathing exercises. Also distractions are good for when you really get fuming.. walk away and get some good music going to get your anger out of your system and then calm you down again. Don't let the situation affect you more than it has to. There is always a solution to every problem, as far away as that may seem right now. Things do always work themselves out.

Also there is a meant to be a big initiative by the government, in particular the NICE guidelines regarding getting people back to work..

I guess at the end of the day if you can't do the job then fair enough, but 8 weeks doesn't sound so long, and there should be some sort of adaptations that could be made. Try getting your gp involved too. Saying that, I'm a Physio and when I was off for a long time I begged to come back doing paperwork/computer work as I was going mad at home and we're supposed to be the people helping others to do that and my senior was unhelpful. But then again, our occupation health department was much more helpful, although I saw them way after the event occurred so I guess we'll see what happens next time (which might just be right now the way things are going : /)

So sorry about the rant. I'm a touch typer with mental diarrhea

I wish you all the best though, take care.


Thanks everyone for your replies, I'm definately still in shock that I'm now unemployed and that I'm still struggling to get my asthma back under control. Making apt to see GP to discuss how I'm feeling mentally after this now as it seems to have brough to light how depressed and stressed I've been and not coping with my flare ups very well ... The family & fella have apparently been very worried about my mental health but this has caused them to say something so off I go. They will probably dose me up again on anti depressants and book me in with a counsellor ... Been done this path at beginning of the year after I was made redundant after 5 years service for speaking up that I was getting bullied by my boss who told me to pick between my job or my needed shoulder surgery!!

Im also going to sPeak to CAB and see what they think as it does appear is unfair dismissal but we will just have to wait n see .... Sorry for the rambling I'm wide awake and really struggling to relax and get any rest at all :(


Oh my, sorry they choose to terminate your employment. You try to focus on getting stronger and getting whatever entilaments thet you will warrent. Stress won't help, depression won't help either, get all the help you can muster instead. A liitle advice from one who suffered the ills of asthma. Take care now.


So sorry you're in this position. I've not worked for nearly 2 years after being put in a similar position. Didn't feel like it at the time but was the best thing that could have happened. Yes money was tight but we learnt to cope but more importantly gave me the time to get all my health issues resolved. I'm now looking to begin job hunting in the New Year.

Get yourself sorted, take the advice of some of the other lovely members about seeing what you may be able to claim & look on it as an opportunity to make a fresh start. My nan always said without your health you don't have anything & I believe it's true

I hope you can resolve your issues & you can manage to enjoy Christmas.

Take care


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