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Not been around for a while..

7 Replies

Oi oi, how's everyone doing? i've kinda been in and out on the board but not posted.

Am moving house soon hopefully, crossed fingers! Have got a silly head cold at the mo too. it's one of those daft ones where you generally feel ok during the day, but then get the aches, snotty nose and general unwell feeling in the evening! What a crock. Just waiting for it to go to my chest which will not be good at all! oh well.

7 Replies

hi meady, welcome back!!!! sorry to hear you have the lurgy that is doing the rounds, I had it for 2 weeks! and I know what you mean about feeling ok during the day, I would wake up all blocked up etc then go to work and feel better, then feel crappy in the evening again, but hope you feel better soon. how was your honeymoon?


hi lejaya, the honeymoon was absolutely fabulous thanks!

Hey Meady, welcome back...hope married life is suiting you well!

Hi CathBear, yeah, married life is good.

KateMoss profile image

Welcome back Meady - wondered where you had got to!! LOL!


Welcome Back Meady! Hope moving house goes smoothly!

Thanks guys you are far too kind!

Well, this bloody cold has gone to my chest. Tonight cold prove interesting. Well, at least i'm prepared as if it's going to kick off, I know my little blue puffa ain't gonna work.

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