Sore Lungs: Following a major SPLAT on... - Asthma Community ...

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Sore Lungs

10 Replies

Following a major SPLAT on Friday, and a lovely chest infection, I have found my lungs are a bit on the (for want of a better word) sore side. It's especially bad when I breathe in and its worse at the bottom of my chest.

Has anyone else experienced this?

10 Replies

I get that a lot ESP when my Chest is soo tight usually resolved iv or oral steriods

that explains why i felt better after some extra pred, some pain relief and a good rest. I thought i was poss being overly sensitive or something along those lines. I am a bit too hard on myself sometimes, and I got upset about something, crying made it 100 times more painful and i was crying more cos it hurt :(

I sometimes get a very raw feeling in my airways after an attack, especially when I'm breathing cold or dry air. I kinda feels like every breath is sand-blasting my airways. It also get a generalised ache in my chest which I assume is to do with fatigue from having to work so hard to breathe. Dunno if either are what you mean though.

Hope you feel better soon

Best way I can describe it . It's like a stitch but it's inside and all over ur lungs....

I had something similar, My chest was sore every I coughed. The pain was tremendous, and at both sides.

In a n e they prescribed co-codamol for the pain. I had a week of the best nights sleep in months!

Have you told your gp? Please do cause he can maybe prescribe something for the pain or look into it further.

Take care and hope your better soon


do you reckon its because you have torn a muscle or smth similar due to the attacks/coughing?x

As my fab consultant pointed out coughing puts tremendous pressure on your lungs so of course they get sore. Obvious when you think about it but very reassuring that it will passs when (if!) your cough subsides.

Hope you have some more good nights sleep.

I'm exactly the same - still feelin rough a fortnight after a big attack and 5 days of pred. just been back to the gp worrying about a chest infection - coughing up slime, sore, burning lungs etc., and was reassured it's just my lungs still suffering after mega attack. got more pred to ease the inflammation a bit and got told the usual rest etc. which is very handy, when you're a secondary school teacher in the middle of AS exams!!

finding steaming lungs in the bath is helping, as is trying to limit coughing (but don't limit it too much, as getting up gunk is good).

hope you're feeling better!!

Unfortunately I don't cough much my symptoms have changed over last couple of years. I get shortness of breath . Pain and tightness in the lungs. They just don't shift the air !!!! I confuse the dr's now.... Think it's due the neutrophillic asthma

Thanks everyone for your kind get well wishes. Lungs are still in a major strop even after 5 days of antibiotics and 3 days of 40mg pred, another MEGA splat on Monday night, and a couple of days of 50mg of pred on my doctor's orders. What was worrying was the fact that I had another attack so soon afterward which left me a bit worse for wear.

Am dosing up big time on painkillers, using a hot water bottle and a teddy with a wheaty bag and trying to rest up as much as I can. Will see doc again soon and see how things are getting on.

Hope you are all well xx

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