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Asthma-safe motion sickness medication

9 Replies

Does anyone know of a motion sickness medication that isn't counterindicated for asthmatics?

9 Replies

You shouldn't really have many problems with any of the over-the-counter products because they tend to be anti-histamine based. As you may know lots of asthmatics tend to take anti-histamines anyway. The other kind that's commonly available is based on hyoscine, which isn't contra-indicated in asthma.

Are you having problems getting hold of something?

I've tried Gravol & Dramamine a few others, and they all make me feel pretty bad. I'll check out hyoscine based meds now. Thanks


Cathbear, that is definitely true for me. The only travel sickness pills I can safely take because of the asthma attack risk, are Kwells, and they are the Hyoscine based ones. I think Joy Rides are the same drug too.

I have to say, Boots have annoyingly started doing their own generic ones and dont seem to be selling Kwells in many of their stores. I am just more than a little wary of trying own brands, incase they contain different dyes or additives, you never know. Stick to what I know is tried, tested and safe.

You can also get patches on prescription of the same drug- I just found that information out by googling Hyoscine!

Kwells definitely work for me, and I know other asthmatics who have been advised to take one to counteract the sickness side effects of drugs like Aminophylline.

have you tried the SEA BANDS- which are the accupressure wrist bands so are drug fre?

I found they worked very well on a choppy sea crossing and also for morning sicknes!! the only problem is getting them in the correct position first.

The only prob with using hyoscine patches for motion sickness is that they have to be applied several hours before they start having an effect; I tend to use tablets rather than the patches for this reason. However the patches are useful, as you say Sus, for more persistent nausea due to drug side effects.

The good thing about Kwells, is that they seem to work immediately. We take them when we are actually taxi-ing onto the runway, so minutes before take off, and I know they work if you have already been sick. I like the slightly drousy effect too as it sends me to sleep on long flights!

try getting some travel bands from boots or similar. they are about £8 and look like 1980's wrist bands. Also a good buy as can be reused time and time again. they have no medication in them and work by putting very light pressure on a set point on your wrists which then work like beta blockers making the brain believe it is balanced. i thought it was crazy when i first found out about them but they have stopped me chucking up on planes and boats and no side effects. good luck

the bands have worked really well for me, i bought them coz i was fed up of feeling sick from theophylline, and they're really effective. the only problem is you can end up feeling a bit bruised if you use them for a long time while you're doing something with your hands (like typing) but definately worth a shot.

My doctor gave my Cyclizine (Valoid) tablets for motion sickness. They are actually an anti-nausea tablet but do the trick. Only problem is you GP has to prescribe them for you

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