Is it ok to use St Johns Wort? - Asthma Community ...

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Is it ok to use St Johns Wort?

3 Replies


Have been feeling a little bit down lately and thought that rather than go to my GP i would take some St Johns Wort. I picked up some today from Superdrug.

There is no leaflet in it or information on the back of the packet which would make me think that this isnt safe for me given the specific drugs i take.



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3 Replies

Hey pinky

Sorry to hear your feeling down, I'm not sure about your meds but I know your not suppose to take st johns wort while on Theophylline as it decrease the absorption and activity of the theo in the body.



KateMoss profile image

Please check with your GP regarding taking St John's Wort and any other herbal remedy. It can interact with theophyllines and oral contraceptives ( Side effect can be a baby!!) to name a few!


As someone who has worked with herbs st johns wort is one of those herbs that reacts with a lot of drugs, however instead of the usual 'panic side effect!' depending on what drug its combined with is the key.

speak with your gp on the reaction between st johns wport and the drugs your using now, as i dont know what your taking i cant say for certain, however you can take it whilst on steriod inhalers and salbutomol, altho always wise to check your peak flow for any change once you start any new course of medicines...

whilst we are on the case, if you cant take those or dont want to, and you want to try something else, valerian is a good one to use, its calms you down and helps with stress, and also the natural pattern of sleep... has been used for 100's of years and is safe, altho dont take to much as it can make you drowsy.... kalms is the branded one on the market, contains gentian and hops as well, again used for calming the mind down.

hope you feel better soon

kel xx

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